Weekly update: Dec. 3 – Division 14 – Ms. Capitanio

Weekly update: Dec. 3

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Let’s enjoy these beautiful sunny days while they last! Snow is in the weather forecast so perhaps we will have some snowy adventures this weekend!

Gingerbread Man Activities

So many of our activities this week have been inspired by the classic story “Gingerbread Man”. So far we have read 4 versions of the story and compared them (see the chart for the similarities and differences).

We have been creating more challenging patterns using christmas and gingerbread shapes.

We love puzzles, especially Gimgerbread Man puzzles.

and check out our Gingerbread Bakery!

Jingle Bell Walk

Thank you to all the parents who joined our class for the Jingle Bell Walk on Monday. What an amazing response from our community! Here is a photo of our class with donations that arrived just today! All the other donations are bring sorted by older students. A final donation amount has not been announced but I feel that this year’s Jingle Bell Walk may have resulted in the most donations ever at Brantford!

Recording our song

On Thursday Dec. 9, Ms. Loo will be recording our class singing a special song. She has requested that our class wear WHITE/RED TOPS and DARK BOTTOMS for the recording.  We will also make special headbands to wear for our song.  Please do not buy these items if you do not have items of these colours; I will bring some extra pieces of clothing for those who need to borrow an item.

Have a lovely weekend!

Special note:

Gr. 1s-please please send your Home reading book bags to school on Fridays to get new books!!!

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