Weekly update Dec. 11 – Division 14 – Ms. Capitanio

Weekly update Dec. 11

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We had so much fun today in our PJ’s (maybe too much fun-LOL!).

Please look for your child’s “Informal Report” for Term 1 in their planner bag.  This report will give you a quick snapshot of your child’s learning this term.  If you would like to discuss your child’s progress further, I am available to meet via zoom.  Please contact me by email if you would like to schedule a meeting.

This week we did a Candy Cane experiment. We put candy canes into 3 different liquids: warm water, cool water, and vinegar. We learned how to make predictions and record our observations.


The Grade 7s have organized “Spirit Week” for next week at school.  Students are welcome to dress in the following ways to celebrate our last week of school before our winter break (this is completely optional):

Monday – dress like a character from a book or movie (I know this is a challenging way to dress so no pressure at all). The class and I discussed that maybe even a Santa hat would be great option.

Tuesday – Look alike day – Our class decided to dress in red, green, white or black clothing so we can all look alike.

Wednesday – Wear Words day – wear any clothing that has letters or words on it.

Thursday – wear your favourite colour day

Friday – PJ day (again!)

…and I have let the class know that my daughter is getting braces on Monday so I will not be at school, but I have made sure that the class will have a wonderful TOC!

Have a lovely weekend!



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