Weekly update: Dec. 10 – Division 14 – Ms. Capitanio

Weekly update: Dec. 10

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Snow, Gingerbread and Concert Songs

How lucky were we to have a beautiful day of snow!!! Fortunately, we were able to get outside for some extra snowy playtime!

Concert Filming

Thank you to Ms. Loo who organized a beautiful holiday concert. The link will be sent to families later next week so you can view the concert in its’ entirety at home.

Thank you to everyone for sending your child prepared for filming. They looked fabulous!

The Gingerbread Man Escaped!

When we baked our gingerbread man, he popped out of the oven!!!  He left clues all over the school so that we could find him! Fortunately, we found him in our classroom waiting with gingerbread friends for all of us!

Today we worked together to build a gingerbread home for the Gingerbread man.

Dates to Remember:

Tuesday Dec. 14 – “Look Alike” day – our class is welcome to wear red, gree, white and black so we can all look alike!

Friday Dec. 17 – Pajama and stuffie day – Our class is welcome to wear pajamas and bring a stuffie to cuddle with.  We will be having “cozy reading time” and watch a short movie in the afternoon. Last day of school before holidays!

Tues. Jan. 4 – School re-opens after the holidays

Have a lovely weekend!!!!

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