Weekly update: April 1 – Division 14 – Ms. Capitanio

Weekly update: April 1

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Weekly update: April 1

This week flew by so quickly that I forgot to take photos!

Lucky for us, Arjun’s mom took some photos while we were at the park for Outdoor Learning.

Outdoor Learning

We had a lot of fun exploring the park and learning about boundaries and safety while enjoying the sunshine.

We will continue visiting the park every Wednesday afternoon.

Learning about money/coins

We have been learning all about coins this week. Everyone has a good understanding of coin names and values. If you would like to practice at home, you can teach your child how to add the values of a few coins. For example, if you have 2 nikels and 1 dime, how much money do you have?


I will continue to take one day each week to tend to family needs but it will now be on Tuesday.


Have a wonderful weekend!

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