Learning at Home May 4-8 – Division 14 – Ms. Capitanio

Learning at Home May 4-8

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Learning at home for the week of May 4 – 8 

Special announcements:  Autumn is “Star of the Week”.  She says that she wants to be a baker when she is older. She LOVES candy and she likes to use fruit by the foot to make things.  We hope you have a great week Autumn!


Don’t forget to pick up your bridge building kits on May 8! 

Our WHOLE class “Monday Meeting” at 1pm. Join if you can! Find the zoom link in the email sent on Saturday. 

Here are some activity suggestions to try this week. Families can choose how to best to fit these into your week.  Do one or do some!  



(try to do these every day) 

1. Reading – try to check out RAZ kids this week. Ms. Mah reports that about half of our class has checked out this awesome website. Way to go! It would be amazing if every student could check it out sometime this week. This is a wonderful resource that is being offered for free right now! We are very fortunate to have access to it so let’s use it! 

2. Get active 



BEE ANATOMY LESSONclick here to watch this lesson with Ms. C. and complete the activity in your “All About Bees” workbook 


WRITER’S WORKSHOP: Write about your mom. What is it that makes her special to you? What is a way you could show her how much you appreciate her? 


STORY: Listen to the story “The Name jar”. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uu2k829FSBU Ask your parents why they chose to give you your name and write about the significance of your name in your journal. Try to write three sentences.


STORY – Read a loud Click here to listen to Ms. C. read “The Pigeon Goes to School”



MONEY LESSONS: -please complete the remaining pages of “Identifying coins” booklet. 


-EXTRA MONEY PRACTICE: Can you make groups of coins that equal the same value? For example, 3 dimes, 6 nickels, and one quarter/one nickel all equal 30 cents. 


-EXPLORING SHAPES IN ART: Below are two pictures.  

One shows the shapes that are found in aboriginal art work and the other is a picture that was created by Michelle Stoney who is a Gitxsan artist who lives in Hazelton, BC. She has worked very hard to get to the point that she’s at in her art and I have included her youtube biography here:  



A note from Ms. Mah: “I have asked the artist if we have any questions, can I pass them along to her, and she has said yes:) So please think of any questions you have and I will pass them along. I will email everyone a few of her drawings for you to look at and colour. She has given us permission to do so.  


So, here is your assignment: What shapes do you see in the bumble bee? How many of each shape do you see? Can you draw a picture using these shapes? 


-2D MATH BOOKLET:  Make the die and then roll it 12 times and graph your results. I wonder if anyone will have the same results?  After you’ve made your graph try to find all the I Spy shapes on the last page of the booklet. 





MYSTERY DOUG VIDEO & LESSON TITLED“How do bees make honey?” 


make sure you click on the blue arrows at the side when the clips are finished. You will be able to access more of the lesson this way.



MO WILLEMS AUTHOR VIDEO – learn how the Pigeon books were created and learn how to draw “Pigeon” 



MUSIC CLASS ACTIVITIESfrom Ms. Gaspar including a musical scavenger hunt: https://sd41-my.sharepoint.com/:w:/g/personal/e14702_burnabyschools_ca/EaMB5C1HOItDpMFm4ybYs3gBSsa382EZB7PtEHI0AECFdg?e=xD84hW 


MOTHER’S DAY CARD: If you want to make a different version of a card, you can follow along with Art for kids hub: How to Draw a Mother’s day Folding Surprise here:  





P.E. WITH JOE – try out these 30 mins. Exercise videos. He is a P.E. teacher from England who now has children from all over the world joining him for exercise classes. 

Click here 




TAKE A BREAK: Sometimes when we are feeling a bit frustrated, or sad it’s a good idea to take a look at what is happening outside. Take a moment to go outside and find a tiny critter and sit back and observe what it is doing. Is it collecting food, flying, moving slowly, making a home? Take deep breaths as you watch them. You will find that after a while your body feels calmer. If you can’t get outside, sit by a window and watch the clouds or see if you can see the trees swaying in the wind. A lot is happening in nature when we take a bit of time to look closely:) 



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