Home Learning April 13 – 17 – Division 14 – Ms. Capitanio

Home Learning April 13 – 17

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Learning at home for the week of April 13 – 17 

Special announcementsAlejandro is “Star of the Week”. Look for his poster in a separate email later today. 

Package/Supply pick up: Please see your pick-up time below. When you arrive at school at your specific time, please come to the outside door of our classroom. We will have your things on a table by our door.  

Tuesday, April 14: 1:00 Amanda, 1:15 Hridaan, 1:30 Gavin, 1:45 Alejandro, 2:00 Uk, 2:15 Perry, 2:30 Mikayla, 2:45 Roman. 

Wednesday, April 15: 1:15 Hazel, 1:30 Jessica, 1:45 Daniel, 2:00 Doha, 2:15 Anthea, 2:30 Damian, 2:45 Angelika, 3:00 Isaac 

Thursday, April 16: 10:15 Eric, 10:30 Jayden, 10:45 Autumn, 11:00 Nil, 11:15 Kian  

Package Video: click on the link below to hear Ms. C describe which items in the package can be used anytime and which booklets/materials should be saved for later lessons. 

Home package video

A note from Ms. Mah regarding the home package materials:
Please feel free to work on the math dice games anytime. They are in a plastic cover so that students can use a whiteboard marker, or a washable marker on the plastic so that they can play over and over again. I’ve included a die you can make with the help of an adult (it is on heavier cardstock). Also in the plastic cover is a couple of math colouring sheets that may be done at any time. The rest of the items (2D shapes, 3D shapes, the Reflection Journal, and the Daily topics) we will start working on next week. Looking forward to connecting again ❤️

Here are some activity suggestions to try this week. Families can choose how to best fit these into your week.  



(try to do these every day) 

1. Reading – choose “read to self” or “listen to reading” 

2. Get active (see suggestions below “Get outside/get active”) 



WRITING A STUFFIE STORY – Lots of wonderful stories are written about best friends. We love Elephant and Piggie stories so we thought it would be fun this week to choose 2 of your stuffies and write an adventure about them.  Make a plan for your story: What is the setting? What is the problem? How do they solve their problem? When you are ready to write a story, you can make a little booklet or create a comic strip of your story. Remember that pictures are a very important part of the story too! (We had made a video for this but we are having technical difficulties loading it.)

READ a story to your stuffies 

PRINTING PRACTICE-write your first and last name 5 times, then write the first and last name for everyone in your family 

-EXTRA PROJECT: ANIMAL RESEARCH: Choose your favourite animal. With an adult helper, look online to answer the following questions about your animal. Where does it live (habitat)?, What does it eat?, What does it look like?, What is special about it? If you have time, draw or create an art project about your animal.



MAKING EQUATIONS FOR 15  –  click on the “bunny math” link below to learn a new way to make equations

Video of bunny math

-100s CHART ACTIVITY – you will need a 100s chart from our package so wait until you have your package for this lesson

Video of 100’s chart math

NUMBER SCAVENGER HUNT IN YOUR HOUSE – Where do you find numbers? Why are these numbers used? Why are they important? 

-SNACK MATH –  Can you make a snack for the number 15?

Get 15 things for snack (fishy crackers, orange slices, grapes etc.)
Show how many ways can you make 15. For example,  15 is made from 10 and 5 (put 10 pieces in a pile and five in a different pile). How many ways did you find to make 15?
What happens when you eat 2? How many are left?
How many are left when you eat 5? or 3?

-SKY OBSERVATION – Join Ms. Mah in her backyard for a look up into the sky. After watching the video, can you sketch what you see in the sky? Perhaps you can write about what you see.

click here

-WHY IS THE SKY BLUE? click on the Mystery Science link below to answer this question

Mystery Doug link  



”LUNCH DOODLES” with Mo Willems (author of Elephant and Piggie books) – click here for some drawing fun. This is his most recent video but look for more of his previous videos too. 

Mo Willems Drawing Videos 



COSMIC KIDS YOGA –  Ms. Mah recommends “Pokemon Yoga”. Find it here: 

Pokemon yoga

-GO NOODLE – check out go noodle for some fun short movement videos 

NUMBER SCAVENGER HUNT OUTSIDE – Where can you find numbers outside? Why are they used? Why are they important? 



BUBBLE BREATHING – If you are feeling overwhelmed by your emotions, remember your bubble breathing. Breathe slowly and steadily as if you are blowing bubble.  

Go noodle also has some great videos about calming our bodies down by breathing.






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