Hello families! – Division 14 – Ms. Capitanio

Hello families!

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Thank you for joining our class blog! I hope to send a weekly update to provide you with information about upcoming events and classroom learning experiences.

News for the week of Oct. 28 to Nov. 1:

  • Oct. 28 – Ms. Mah will be teaching today. Dismissal at 2:00.
  • Oct. 30 – pre-ordered hot lunch
  • Oct. 31 – Halloween! Halloween parade and assembly at 9am, parents welcome!
  • Students are welcome to wear a costume to school on Halloween.  We find it helpful if the students wear comfortable clothing under the costume so they can easily change out of their costume before outside time.  Please remember no masks or weapons. Please send an extra bag for the students to pack their costume into.

Star of the Week

I am sure you have heard about our new classroom activity, “Star of the Week”.  Each week a new student will be selected randomly to share special things about themselves.  This activity provides students with the opportunity to practice oral language skills and explore the bigger idea of “Who am I?”  Here is a picture of Ms. Capitanio and Ms. Mah’s “Star of the Week” bulletin board display.

Pumpkin Math

During a math lesson this week, we were busy counting the seeds from our pumpkin by groups of 10 to discover that our pumpkin had 186 seeds! Have a look at our hallway display of the pumpkin seeds. Here are a couple of photos of the students scooping seeds, sorting the seeds from the pulp, and glueing the seeds into groups of 10!

Have a wonderful week!


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