Happy October! – Division 14 – Ms. Capitanio

Happy October!

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Hello families!

Thank you for having a look at our class webpage/blog! It is my hope that a classroom blog will encourage a strong and positive community connection between school and home for our families and myself.  I feel this is especially important this year when parents cannot be present within the school. Hopefully, the photos that I will be posting will give you a sneak peek of the activities your child is involved in at school.

What have we been doing at school so far?

During our first full week, we had the opportunity to explore sunflowers. We learned about their parts, life cycles, measured them, and learned how to save the seeds to plant in the Spring.


In Math, we have been exploring patterns and number concepts. The Grade 2 students go to Math class with Mr. McKay, and his Grade 1 students join our Grade 1 students in our classroom.  Here are some patterns that the Gr. 1 students created:

I will be using a wonderful program called “Second Step” throughout the school year. This program teaches work habits, problem solving, emotional regulation and learning about compassion and empathy. We have already learned the 4 steps for attentive listening: eyes watching, ears listening, mouth quiet, and body still.

We had fun creating art with our names.

Above all, we have had so much fun playing in September! Through play, the students have connected and are developing friendships. Play will be a big focus in our classroom this year as so many of us have not had opportunities to play with others over the past months. I like to provide open ended play opportunities including a “making” table where students have access to lots of materials to “create”.  We will also be exploring the outdoors a lot this year.

Thank you very much for your incredible patience as we get this school year operating in a safe way! I am looking forward to officially meeting all of you during our online intake meetings this week.

Please remember that dismissal on Mondays is always at 2pm.

This week we will be having early dismissal on both Thursday and Friday at 1:50.

School will be closed on Monday October 12 for Thanksgiving!

Have a wonderful week!


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