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Welcome to our class blog!

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Hello families!

Please check your child’s planner tonight and read the yellow notice that is glued into the planner.

I will update the blog on Friday with some classroom photos from the past week. You may wish to bookmark this site so you can access it at any time.

Thank you

Jennifer Capitanio


Happy Summer Holidays!

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Dear families,

It has been an absolute pleasure to teach your children this year. Watching them emerge as readers, writers, mathematicians, and witnessing them growing into lovely humans has brought immense joy to my world this year. They are special little people that will always hold a place in my heart!

My daughter created a slideshow for the class. We watched it today but I wanted to share it with you so you can also watch it with your children at home!

Have a wonderful summer! Enjoy all of the special moments that summer allows!

xo Ms. C

Weekly update June 24

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How can this possibly be my last weekly update?!?! This year has passed so quickly!

O Canada

This week we learned the national anthem so now everyone can sing it on Canada Day.

Yoga at the park

Thank you Anita for these photos of some of our awesome yoga poses taken last week.

A few dates to remember:

Tuesday June 28 – Classroom clean out – please sent a large shopping bag for your child to take their things home

Wednesday June 29 – dismissal at 10am for summer holidays!!! Report cards will be handed out.

Enjoy the glorious weekend ahead!


Weekly update: June 17

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Three Little Pigs and Teddy Bears!!!

We enjoyed some fun activities this week. Thankfully the rain held off so we could enjoy one last afternoon for outdoor learning at the park.

Three Little Pigs

We read the story of “The Three Little Pigs” and had a discussion about materials that can be used to build strong structures. In teams, we chose building supplies from our classroom to use to build new houses for the 3 little pigs.

Have a look at our amazing structures:


Outdoor Learning

At outdoor learning this week, we shared our favourite memories and special times that we remember when we have visited the park this term. It has been wonderful to watch the students progress from being unsure what to “do” at the park to see them now exploring, creating, and imagining together in an outdoor space.

Teddy Bear Picnic

How lucky were we to have beautiful weather for our picnic today! We marched with our bears/stuffies, sat on mats to eat our snacks, introduced our stuffies to everyone, and enjoyed a surprise “teddy bear” snack.

Origami with Gr. 5/6 buddies

We met with some older friends in the school for buddy time. They taught us how to fold origami shapes and structures. We had such a great time that we decided to do it again next week!

Have a lovely weekend!

Happy Nature Clip Art Set – Daily Art Hub – Free Clip Art Everyday

Weekly update June 10

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Sports Day!

What a wonderful sports day we enjoyed today! The sun made an appearance and the kids had a blast!

Here are some photos of everyone at their stations:


and photos from outdoor learning this week!

Creating art with found items from nature

Have a lovely weekend!


Weekly update June 2

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Hello everyone!

I will be away tomorrow so I am sending the weekly blog update today.

Sports Day – Friday June 10

By now, I believe that you have received an email from Ms. Aujla regarding Sports Day.

Your child is welcome to wear coloured clothing to represent their TEAM. See picture for your child’s colour. Please do not buy clothing, just borrow from friends or family.

-there will be early dismissal at 1:00/1:15 from our classroom

-lunches can be preordered online for Sports Day

-parents are welcome to watch the outdoor events behind the school but indoor events will not be open for parents

Outdoor Learning – Drilling holes for bees and potato printmaking

Bees have hatched!

We placed some of our bee cocoons outside.



You will notice the holes where the bees emerged! So exciting!

Reminder – No School on Monday for Pro-D.


Weekly update May 27

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The focus of many of our lessons this week involved exploring rocks.

We read “Everybody Needs a Rock” at outdoor learning. Everyone found a special rock and observed their rock’s features closely. We then placed all the rocks in a pile and everyone was able to remember which rock belonged to them!


We then read the story “ishi” and turned our special rocks into “ishi” rocks.

Young actor’s Project

We finished up our Young Actor’s lessons today. The class really enjoyed these learning activities. Thank you Savannah!

Grade 1 “Making Words” homework

Beginning today, the Gr. 1s planner message gives them instructions to make as many words as possible out of a given word. This weekend the word is “triangle”. Please encourage your child to make new words out of these letters. For example, we can make “get”, “rat”, and “line” out of the letters in “triangle”. How many can you make?


Have a lovely weekend!

Weekly update May 20

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Hexagons and Young Actor’s Project

We have been very busy learning all about hexagons and other shapes that can create a hexagon. The students have been exploring and creating hexagons with “pattern blocks” all week.

Exploring with Hexagons

Pattern block creations

Check out our amazing hexagon cell structures just like bees make in their hive! We worked together just like bees to make these structures strong and tall.

Young Actors Project

Thank you to the PAC for funding the Young Actors Project in our classrooms!

Savannah visited us today (first of three visits) to guide us through so many fun and imaginative activities! We learned to communicate without using our voices, pretend to be different animals, and become people in different situations.  Looking forward to our upcoming visits with Savannah!

Filling our Buckets

Ask your child to explain what the term,” Filling your bucket” means!

A reminder that there is no school on Monday!!!

Have a lovely (and finally sunny) weekend!

Weekly update May 13

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Gardening, Bees and more

Fortunately, the weather cooperated for outdoor learning on Wednesday. We were able to get into our garden and plant our bean plants. We also had a chance to look closer at the daffodils and tulips that we planted in November.


We are continuing to learn about bees. Your child should be able to tell you many facts about bees.

Now we must wait patiently for the weather to improve so we can place the bee cocoons outside to hatch.


One of my favourite things to do lately is play “Wordle” with my own children. I introduced the game to our class during snack time this week. Some of the kids definitely understand the concept. Unfortunately, the mystery word was SLUNG which was not the easiest word to figure out.


The Grade One students are improving their reading skills every week. Thank you so much for continuing the home reading program.

Now the Kindergarten students meet with me in small reading groups. They are so excited to be “reading” books too! I will be sending weekly books home for the K students to read to you. You can keep them at home to re-read.

…and, as always, lots of fun and teamwork through play this week!!

Sports Day

As we return to somewhat “normal” school activities, we will be having “Sports Day” on Friday June 10. There will be an early dismissal around 1pm. I will be sending home more information closer to the date but I just wanted to let you know because parents will be welcome to observe on the school grounds outside. Most events will be happening outside. Each child will be allocated to a team and will be encouraged to wear clothing of that colour. I’ll keep you posted!

Have a great weekend!

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