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Happy Holidays!!!

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Ms. Mah has reported that everyone has a tummy full of pancakes! Thank you to all the parent helpers who made the pancake breakfast such a memorable event!

A few things:

-School re-opens on Monday January 6, 2020!

-Please return all library books on Monday, Jan. 6 so Mrs. Dias can do library inventory during the first week of January.

-Please sign and return the report card envelope to school. You may keep all of the papers inside the envelope but we will re-use the envelope for each term’s report card.


We thought you would enjoy a few photos of the students creating stories during “story workshop” from this past week:

We would like to wish you all Happy Holidays and Merry Christmas! Have a lovely break with your families! See you in 2020!

Weekly News Dec. 9 – 13

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Hello families,

This week our class will be creating stories through a process called “Story Workshop”. The students are using materials found in our classroom to “build/create” a story.  They will be encouraged to draw pictures about their story and begin to write words and sentences to support the ideas of the story. We will be focusing on the main idea of the story. We are looking forward to seeing what they will create!

Wednesday – Please return library books.

Friday – Family reading

On Tuesday, Dec. 17, we will be having a “crafternoon” when we will be making 2 to 3 different holiday crafts. If you are able to volunteer in the classroom from 12:45 to 3:00 please let me know. I would love to have at least 3 helpers if possible. Thank you!


For the last week of 2019 (Dec. 16 – 20), the school will be having the following Spirit Days:
• Monday: Christmas/Winter Accessory Day (toque, scarf, Santa hat, etc.)
• Tuesday: Festive Hair (or whacky hair) Day
• Wednesday: Tacky/Ugly or Nice Christmas Sweater Day (or any sweater!!!)
• Thursday: Red and Green Day 
• Friday: PJ Day + pancakes, bingo and caroling galore!!

Students are welcome to participate in the activities as they want to but please do not feel that your child must have all of these items every day. This is just a fun way to celebrate the last week of 2019!

Week update for Dec. 2 to 6

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Sorry for the late post! A BIG thank you to all the families that were able to join us for our Open House last week. The students were so proud to show you their learning and perform for you.

Here they are with their character masks!

Wednesday – Ms. Mah will be teaching today.

Thursday – 

Friday – Family reading from 8:55 to 9:15.


Thank you very much for participating in our home reading program and encouraging your child to read every day and return their folder for a new book! 

Have a great week!

Weekly news for Nov. 25 – 29

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Weekly news for Nov. 25 – 29

Book Fair is open in the library until Wednesday after school.


**Please remember to attend our Open House at your chosen time (3:00 or 5:00). The students are excited to share their learning with you and perform “Goodnight Owl” for you.



Family reading from 8:55 – 9:15

Jingle Bell Walk – Please send your children to school dressed for the weather as our class will be delivering flyers to neighbourhood homes. We will be advertising that our school will be collecting items for needy families in our community.

A sneak peek at a recent math lesson:

During a recent math activity, we read the story “Ten Flashing Fireflies”. While we listened to the story, we moved the fireflies from outside the jar into the jar as they were being caught in the story. As a result, we were able to record different ways to make ten. The students noticed many number patterns while we recorded the equations.


Looking forward to seeing you in our classroom on Wednesday!

Weekly news for Nov. 18 – 22

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Hello families,

Please remember to send in your blue form indicating your time preference for our Open House on Wednesday, Nov. 27. If you need a new form, please let us know.

Weekly reminders

Monday – dismissal at 2:00

Wednesday – Ms. Mah will be teaching our class today while Ms. Capitanio is visiting another Grade 1 class in Burnaby to observe “Daily 5” in action.

Friday – Professional Development Day- School closed for students. Ms. Mah will be attending workshops at Marlborough School

Have a wonderful week!

Remembrance Day & Bulb Planting

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Hello families,

Last week, many of our lessons focused on “peace”. We talked about ways we can be peaceful in our classroom and on the school grounds. We had a discussion prompted by the question “What would happen in the world if everyone focused on solving problems peacefully instead of by fighting?”

We read “A Poppy is to Remember” and drew our own beautiful poppies to add to our wreath for the Remembrance Day Assembly (see photo).

With our buddy class, we were able to enjoy the beautiful weather and plant daffodil bulbs in front of our school. I’m sure your child will be more than happy to show you which garden plot our bulbs are planted in!


News for the week of Nov. 11 to Nov. 15

Monday – School is closed for Remembrance Day.

Wednesday – Hot lunch

Friday – Family Reading begins. All family members are invited to our classroom to read with the students from 8:55 to 9:15.


Please look for a notice that will be coming home on Wednesday with more details for our “Open House” on Wed. Nov. 27.


Have a wonderful week!




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Happy November Everyone!

I sent home a November calendar last week. Please let me know if you did not receive one or need another copy.

News for the week of Nov. 4 to 8:

-Monday – dismissal at 2:00.

-Tuesday – Bulb planting with our buddy class! We were fortunate to receive daffodil and tulip bulbs from BC Agriculture in the Classroom. Weather permitting, we will be planting some of these bulbs in front of our school.

-Wednesday – hot lunch – pizza


-Friday – Remembrance Day Assembly at 10:45

Monday, November 11 is Remembrance Day. School will be closed.

Please note that beginning on Friday, Nov. 15, family members are welcome to join our Grade One students for FAMILY READING every Friday morning from 8:55 to 9:15. We hope you are able to join us!

We thought you would enjoy the following pictures of our class at the pumpkin patch and on Halloween.

Please note that due to privacy, we will only post photos of the students as a whole group, side shots, or taken from above. We will not post close up photos of any students. If you would prefer not to have your child’s photo published in our blog please let us know. Thank you!

Hello families!

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Thank you for joining our class blog! I hope to send a weekly update to provide you with information about upcoming events and classroom learning experiences.

News for the week of Oct. 28 to Nov. 1:

  • Oct. 28 – Ms. Mah will be teaching today. Dismissal at 2:00.
  • Oct. 30 – pre-ordered hot lunch
  • Oct. 31 – Halloween! Halloween parade and assembly at 9am, parents welcome!
  • Students are welcome to wear a costume to school on Halloween.  We find it helpful if the students wear comfortable clothing under the costume so they can easily change out of their costume before outside time.  Please remember no masks or weapons. Please send an extra bag for the students to pack their costume into.

Star of the Week

I am sure you have heard about our new classroom activity, “Star of the Week”.  Each week a new student will be selected randomly to share special things about themselves.  This activity provides students with the opportunity to practice oral language skills and explore the bigger idea of “Who am I?”  Here is a picture of Ms. Capitanio and Ms. Mah’s “Star of the Week” bulletin board display.

Pumpkin Math

During a math lesson this week, we were busy counting the seeds from our pumpkin by groups of 10 to discover that our pumpkin had 186 seeds! Have a look at our hallway display of the pumpkin seeds. Here are a couple of photos of the students scooping seeds, sorting the seeds from the pulp, and glueing the seeds into groups of 10!

Have a wonderful week!


Welcome to our Division 14 Webpage!

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Hello families!

Thank you for having a look at our brand new class webpage! It is my hope that a classroom blog will encourage a strong and positive community connection between school and home for our families and myself. Over the next few weeks, I will work on updating the blog to include information about our classroom themes, curriculum, and other information relevant to our class. I encourage you to subscribe in order to receive updates as they are posted.

Thank you for your support over the past 2 months while we have settled into Grade 1 so smoothly!

Best wishes for an amazing Grade 1 year!

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