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Tuesday package pick up slots-FULL

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Most of our slots for Tuesday package pick up are full. For those of you who have not yet replied, please consider a Wednesday or Thursday slot. If  Tuesday is your only option, I can extend the pick up time beyond 3. Thank you!

Package pick up schedule and help opening links

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We will have three days available for picking up your child’s “school package” and supplies next week. The “school package” includes workbooks, notebooks, and other lesson supplies that will be used for upcoming lessons.  We understand that not all families will be able to meet at the school to do this. Please contact us if you would like to make alternate arrangements.
The three options for package pick-up are:
Tuesday, April 14 – 1:00 to 3:00pm
Wednesday, April 15 – 1:00 to 3:00pm
Thursday, April 16 – 10:00am to noon
Please email Ms. Capitanio (jennifer.capitanio@burnabyschools.ca) with your top 2 choices of day and 15 minute time slot preference (for example, Tuesday at 2:30 or 2:45). I will confirm your time with you by Friday.
When you arrive to pick up your student materials, please remember to practice social distancing by arriving promptly at your time and leaving immediately. Only one family will be slotted at a time to ensure everyone’s safety. Pick up will be at our classroom’s OUTSIDE door. We will have a table set up at our door to ensure social distancing measures are met.
Please be aware that both teachers have been using gloves when preparing all the supplies and materials.
Once again, please let us know if this is not an option for your family.
Some families have mentioned that some of the links in our weekly blog are not working. Here are a few things to consider:
1) The video links open best on an ipad or laptop and they are large (they may take a while to load).
2) When you click on the “scholastic” link, this is a direct link to their online platform called Bookflix which allows your child to click on the cover of the book and read the book. If you want to explore the Scholastic platform more, try this link:
3) When you click on the link for Tumblebooks, you will enter a portal page. You do not need to sign in on this page to access Tumblebooks. Simply click on the “tumblebooks” picture on the left of the screen.
Please please please reach out to us if you have any questions at all.
I am trying to get into the routine of working with my own kids in the mornings and then work in the afternoons into the evenings. If you would like a phone call, just let me know what time and what number work best for you.
Remember to send in your pictures of home learning by Friday at noon!

Home Learning: April 6-10

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Learning at home for the week of April 6 – 10 

Special announcements: Happy Birthday to Kian on April 10! We hope you have a special day!


  • MYSTERY DOUG LIVE EVENT: There is going to be a special live science show done by someone named Mystery Doug on Tuesday, April 7th  at 10am. He’s a science educator kids love. I’d love for you to help your child watch this. All you need to do is open this website link:


  • Here are some activity suggestions to try this week. You may want to try one or two of the suggested activities per day. We completely appreciate that your homes are busy places right now so please do not feel you must complete all of these activities by Friday. Add them to your schedule as best fits your household routine.
  • I would recommend bookmarking any of your favourite webpages including our blog website so you can easily access it without entering through email first.
  • Please note that my video links are large this week so it may take some time for them to upload onto your computer. I will try to make shorter videos next week!


(try to do these every day) 

1. READING – choose “read to self” or “listen to reading” (connect to tumblebooks link) https://learn.burnabyschools.ca/index.php/staff-resources/elementary-web-resources

2. GET ACTIVE – see suggestions below in “Get outside/get active”



  • STORY: ROSIE’S WALK  – click on the video link below to see Ms. C. reading this story and describing a “story map” activity. You can then click on the second link to read the same story on the Scholastic webpage. Remember to practice your printing by copying the words from the story (you can find them in the pocket chart picture below).

 Video of Ms. C reading Rosie’s Walk/activity


  • STORY: THE EASTER EGG – click on the video link below to see Ms. C reading this story and describing a lesson about experimenting with lines in order to make an easter egg drawing

 video of Ms. C. reading The Easter Egg/activity

  • ALPHABET EASTER EGG HUNT: Can you find some paper to make 26 eggs? How can you make 26 eggs without cutting out each egg (hint: folding paper can help)? Write a different letter of the alphabet onto each egg. Ask a family member to hide the eggs (or you can hide them for your family) and go on a hunt to find them. Then arrange them in alphabetical order to see if you have found them all!



  • SOCK SORTING: Next time your family is folding laundry, ask if you can sort the socks. Find all the matching pairs of socks. Is there a special way you can count the socks since they are in “pairs”? Did you find any socks that do not have a match? How does that happen? What other things in your house are found in “pairs”?

  • COUNTING COLLECTION: Can you make a counting collection like we have at school? You can choose any small items that you can find at home. Perhaps you can find some pasta, beans, marbles, stickers, toothpicks, etc. How many items do you have in your collection? Can you count them by 2s, 5s, and 10s? Can you make a pattern with them? Can you sort them by size, colour, or shape?


  • RAINBOWS: Do you remember the colours of a rainbow from Ms. Mah’s lesson? (hint: ROYGBIV). You may have noticed families putting pictures of rainbows in their windows to spread joy and hope. Can you make a rainbow to put in your window? 
  • Learn more about rainbows in this Mystery Doug video:  https://mysterydoug.com/mysteries/rainbows#slide-id-8205


  • NEIGHBOURHOOD WALK: If you are able to go for a walk with an adult, look for pictures that neighours have posted in their windows. What did you discover? (remember that playgrounds are closed and remember to practice social distancing while on your walk) 
  • GO NOODLE: check out www.gonoodle.com
  • OBSTACLE COURSE: Can you make an indoor or outdoor obstacle course like “Rosie’s Walk”? Remember to go across, around, over, past, through, and under some obstacles. Maybe you can use chairs, pillows, or blankets to create your obstacles.


  • FILLING BUCKETS: Fill someone’s bucket at least three times this week by giving compliments to family members.  Remember that you fill your own bucket by filling other people’s buckets!

 Check out these links for more ideas:



Have fun learning at home! Remember to email pictures to me by Friday at noon!

Introduction to Home Learning (with video from Ms.C.)

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It was so wonderful to speak to families this week and hear about all the amazing things that are happening at home. We are very appreciative of how understanding, supportive and kind families have been towards us as we work to develop a plan to support you and you child.
This week, we know many of you have started thinking about learning through a variety of avenues. It was really heartening to hear about the learning opportunities and environments that have already been created at home by families. 
The Burnaby School district has asked teachers to take a slow and thoughtful approach to developing a learning plan for your child. With that being said, after our conversations, many of you and your children are eager to get started in some capacity. We are still waiting for approval to hand out a package of materials for the students to use at home. As soon as we are approved to do so, we will have set times for families to pick up these packages that Ms. Mah and I have been busy preparing.
We do not want to bombard you with emails so our plan is to send one email outlining suggested activities for the week on Sunday evenings. We will try to send video clips of us reading stories or explaining activities in these weekly emails. 
In an effort to share our learning with each other, please email us pictures of projects and activities that your child completes during the week by Friday at noon.   We would love to post these pictures on Fridays.
We will continue with “Star of the week” as four children have yet to have their turn. We will make sure to get the Star of the week posters to the remaining children so we can post their posters online.
Please click on the link below to see a “Welcome to home learning” video from Ms. Capitanio (and her kids!)
Teaching online for home learning is very different from the social, interactive, and collaborative learning that happens in our classroom.  This is new to all of us!
Please send us feedback by email letting us know what you like about this format, what is not working for you, suggestions on how we can improve our communication, etc. 

Phone calls to families on Thursday

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Hello families,

We hope you are doing well and that you are finding creative ways to keep busy. Ms. Mah and I just finished a “virtual” staff meeting with our new administrator, Ms. Aujla. We want to share the following pieces of information that we learned today:

  1. Our top priority is to ensure that all of our students and families are doing well. So, at this time, we want to connect with families. Please expect a call from myself or Ms. Mah tomorrow (Thursday, April 2). The call will appear from “caller unknown”  (according to district policy) so please answer the call as we would love to hear our students’ voices!
  2. Over the next week, we will be working on how we will be able to provide learning opportunities for your child. We will be exploring a combination of online and offline learning activities. Thank you for your patience as this is an entirely new situation for all of us!
  3. Teachers will be allowed to enter the school for short amounts of time over the next week to collect our resources and other things that we will require for future planning and teaching.

Mr. Gurney sent out a survey asking families to let us know what level of technology you have access to at home and what supplies are available for your child. We do not have the results of the survey yet, so we will be asking you similar questions during our phone calls tomorrow in order to guide our planning for upcoming lessons.

As you know, both of us have children at home, so we can relate to what your families are going through! We have found that making a lose schedule including outside time, meal time, creative activities like lego and art, a bit of math and literacy activities has been helpful for our families.


As we wait for further lessons, I want to share a few ideas that I am using with my son who is also in grade 1. These may be some ideas that will work well for your family:

Daily 5 at home: explain to your child that you are going to start “Read to Self” from daily 5 at home. Create a graph like the photo below.  This graph is to document the number of minutes that your child reads independently each day. I suggest starting with a short amount of time (10 minutes). Ask your child to collect a few books, review the rules (Start right away, Read the whole time, and stay in one spot), start a timer for the specific amount of time. You will be amazed at how your child can read independently. When the timer sounds, stop and record the time on the graph. The goal is to keep it short so they can feel successful. You can add a minute or two to the timer each day.

Your child will be able to tell you that there are three ways to read a book: read the words, read the pictures, and re-tell the story. Your child is not expected to be able to read all of the words in the books. The goal is for them to read and look at books independently for a sustained period of time.  Ultimately, they should be able to read daily for 20-25 minutes.

-“Listen to reading” is another option my son enjoys. We use “tumblebooks” which can be accessed from our school library website or from the following link:


Look for books that have a “read online” option so your child can listen to the story being read.


Please take the time to make the most out of having your family around you during this unique time. When we reflect on this period of history, your child will not remember the schoolwork they completed, they will remember the special times spent with you! 

As always, thank you for your support and patience!

Looking forward to speaking to you tomorrow!

Ms. Mah and Ms. Capitanio

Hello families!

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Hello everyone,

Ms. Mah and I hope you are all staying safe and healthy during this uncertain time. We hope you have been able to enjoy this time together. We have really missed seeing your faces and we have been thinking of you all the time! 

We hope you have received an update from the Burnaby School District and that you are aware that students will not be attending school indefinitely.  We will be speaking with Mr. Gurney on Monday morning to learn how we will best support students’ learning at home. At this time, we are not exactly sure what that will look like. As we get answers, we will update you as soon as we can.

For now, we have a couple of things to ask of you:

  1. Please reply to this email so we know which families are receiving this information. 
  2. In the reply email, please simply indicate “confirmed” OR describe a special activity that your child did during Spring Break.
  3.  If you are able to go for a walk in the community, we would love to hear how our daffodil bulbs are doing. How tall are they? Have they bloomed? How many can you count?

Stay safe and stay healthy!

Looking forward to getting responses from you,

Take care, from your teachers,

xoxo Ms. Mah and Ms. Capitanio

Open House Family Photos

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Thank you very much to all of our families for coming to our open house last week. We truly appreciate your dedication to your child’s learning. Looking at these beautiful photos reminds us just how fortunate we are that we get to be a part of their learning every day!


One family is missing…we will add them when we return!

Home activites

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Happy Spring break!

I hope you are all settling into our break from school nicely.  The current situation leaves all of us with a lot of unknowns about the upcoming days and weeks. I really hope you are able to build some structure into your days to provide stability for the kids. I wanted to provide you with some links and ideas to keep your kids’ minds active over our break. Here are a few of my favourites:

Mystery science: This link will provide you with some great science activities and lessons. (copy and paste the site below)


Reading A to Z: You can sign up for a free trial which will allow you access to hundreds of leveled readers. This is the site where I get our home reading books from so the students will be familiar with the format. Most books can be read online or printed.


Art for kids hub (youtube): Our class loves learning how to draw following these lessons. Thanks to Damian for introducing this site to us! My own kids love it too!

Gardening Project: Later in the Spring, our class will be learning about mason bees and their connection to the environment. Our class will be researching which plants are classified as “pollinators” to attract the bees.  If you have the opportunity to research which flowers attract bees and then plant pollinating seeds at home, this would give our pollinator garden a wonderful head start.  We would then plant the seedlings in our school garden when the weather improves.

Most of all, enjoy the sunshine!

Classroom Open House Schedule

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Hello families! I hope you are enjoying this gorgeous weather!

For those of you who returned your purple “Open House” form, please find your time below. For those of you who are not listed below please let me know which one of the time slots you are able to join us. Please remember that “open house” is a time for your child to share their learning with you. Your child’s Term 2 report card will be sent home on Thursday.

Dismissal is at 1:50 on Wednesday!!!

2:00 – 2:30 – Jessica, Autumn, Anthea  

2:30 – 3:00 – Kian, Jayden, Eric  

3:00 – 3:30 – Gavin, Amanda, Hazel, Doha

3:30 – 4:30 CLOSED

4:30 – 5:00 Daniel, Mikayla

5:00 – 5:30 – Hridaan, Isaac, Angelika

5:30 – 6:00 – Roman, Perry

Looking forward to seeing you on Wednesday!

Literacy Week Information

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During the week of Monday, March 9 to Friday, March 13, we will be celebrating “Literacy Week” at Brantford. 

One of the activities for literacy week will be a “book swap”. This is an opportunity to clean out books from your home that could be better loved in a new home. We will keep track of the number of books that your child brings to school so your child can then choose that many books at the book swap. Please send in your books so Mrs. Dias can prepare the books for the swap!

Here is a list of the activities for Literacy Week:

-Monday – assembly

-Tuesday – Wear any clothing that has letters or words on it and guest author, Nancy Duarte, will visit our class

-Wednesday – Book swap and Open House, early dismissal at 1:50 pm, Mrs. Mah will send home your confirmed slot to visit our class

-Thursday – dress as your favourtite character day – Ms. Mah will have the class create a simple costume at school so no need to create something at home (unless you really want to!)

-Friday – Cozy reading day. Students can wear PJ’s, bring stuffies and cozy blankets to have for special reading times throughout the day.

Looking forward to seeing you next week!

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