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Learning at Home: May 25-29

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 Learning at home for the week of May 25 – 29 

Special announcements:  

Happy Birthday to Roman on May 27! 

Happy birthday to Damian on May 31! 

Remember to send a photo of your child for a group collage to Ms. Capitanio by Friday, May 29. Please see last week’s blog for more information. 

This week’s zoom meetings schedule will be a bit different. Ms. C will be at school arranging our classroom and meeting about preparations for the students that will be returning to class on June 1 so I will not be able host zoom lessons on Monday and Tuesday.

Instead of a whole group lesson on Monday we will meet on Wednesday at 1pm for a HAT party! Students are welcome to wear the hats that they created last week or wear any hat that you can find at home!

Ms. Mah will continue her Thursday and Friday zoom lessons as usual on Thursday and Friday. A new zoom schedule will be sent in a separate email. 

For those students that will be returning to the classroom on June 1, you will receive more information from the school office about your schedule this week. I will try to keep you up to date when I receive any information.

Here are some activity suggestions to try this week. Families can choose how to best to fit these into your week.  Do one or do some!  



(try to do these every day) 

1. Reading – We recommend signing up for a trial of EPIC at www.getepic.com. Epic offers a huge collection on stories and many options for levelled books. 

2. Get active (see suggestions below “Get outside/get active”) 



BEE LESSON – click here to listen to Ms.C. describe your bee work for this week. Bee prepared with your bee booklet and pencil. 

WRITING: “Toy Story” – 1. Imagine your toys/stuffies have come to life. Position your toys/stuffies in a unique setting in your house or yard doing something silly 2. Now create a comic strip about what your toys/stuffies could be talking about and doing. Use the comic strip handout (click here) or recreate your own using a blank piece of paper. 4. Add some details and color your comic strip. 

FRACTURED FAIRY TALE: Can you remember when we got to see our big buddies from Ms. Chu’s class and they bought their fractured fairy tale books for us to see? Watch this fractured fairy tale of Red’s Riding Hoods (changed from Little Red Riding Hood) and then see if you can write your own fractured fairy tale. https://youtu.be/WoguunKEYc8 

MY REFLECTION JOURNAL: Write your answers and draw pictures for pages 7-9 in your journal package. 

STORIESParents, please have a look at the following stories. You may want to share the appropriate stories with your child to compliment your family’s decision about continuing to stay at home or returning to school.  

1) Returning to School 

2) Staying home from School 

3)Why we stay home: A story about COVID https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qu07djSvLNg 




ADDITION/SUBTRACTION PRACTICE CARD GAME – click here to watch Ms. C. demonstrate how to play this game. We will review strategies for addition like doubles, doubles plus one, making a group of ten, and counting on. Grab a deck of cards! 


SANDCASTLE MATH GAME– use this handout or copy your own version to play the game with a partner. Click here 


3D SHAPES PACK: Complete the 4 pages of “Shape Sorting”  


SHAPES EXPERIMENT: Find one of each of the 3D shapes in your home (you could use some of the items you found during your scavenger hunt). You should have 7 items. Before you start, see if you can guess which 3D shapes will roll and which will slide. Create a chart like the one below and test your hypothesis (guess of which shapes will roll/slide).  



Things to think about as you do the experiment: Does the way the shape move change if it is on a smooth surface or a bumpy surface? Are there any similarities for the shapes that roll vs. the ones that slide?   


-MONEY BOOKLET / MATH PRACTICE – feel free to complete any pages in these booklets.  


BUTTERFLY LIFE CYCLE- our caterpillars have turned into chrysalids! 



-click here to watch the butterfly lifecycle  


-click here for a directed drawing activity of “Butterflies” 




Cosmic Kids: The Listening Game.  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uUIGKhG_Vq8 


-P.E. with Joe  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ADg5Nunkmow 



SUN SALUTATION YOGA SEQUENCE: Try this sequence of yoga poses. It is great to give your brain a break and concentrate on your body. https://youtu.be/8oGR5xucItI 



Sharing our Learning from Home: May 22

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Are you ready for some spectacular tongue twisters?

Daniel dances and does dazzling dabs.

Alejandro and Avengers appear and as they adventured an avalanche advanced.

Damian and Doha drove dangerous dinosaurs while driving dump trucks.

Hridaan is risky and re-using riddle in a river in Rio.

Gardener Gavin grew garlic and ginger.

Autumn’s aunt is amazingly awesome.

Ninja Nil needs a nap.

Jayden’s jam jar jungle jellyish juggle.

Eric enjoys eggplant in an empty English class.

Mikayla misses Ms. Capitanio and Ms. Mah.

Mikayla makes monkey’s moves.

Return to School Survey and Photos

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Good morning families!

The Burnaby School District sent an email to all Burnaby families yesterday asking you to submit your reply about whether your child will be returning to school on June 1. Please submit your reply by the deadline stated (I believe the deadline is Monday at 9am). This information is crucial for the planning that will  happen next week before schools re-open on June 1. IF YOU DID NOT RECEIVE THIS SURVEY, PLEASE CONTACT THE SCHOOL OFFICE ASAP. I want to let you know that school will look very different from what students are used to. We will be practicing social distancing, so students will need to remain at their desk for most of the day. Learning activities will need to happen at their desks. I am hoping we will be able to spend time outdoors doing outdoor learning as much as possible. The schedule and number of students in the room depends on the feedback we receive from families. PLEASE submit your survey so we can plan next week to ensure that the re-start of school is safe and as seemless as possible.


Please send me photos of your child’s learning at home from this past week. I would love to see their tongue twisters, journal entries, silly hats, or any other activities that they completed this week. Thank you!!!

Learning at Home May 18-22

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Learning at home for the week of May 18 – 22 

No Monday Zoom meeting this week due to the Victoria Day holiday.  

The zoom schedule for our small group sessions will be sent in a separate email.

If you want extra activities to do this week see “Caps for Sale” in the GET CREATIVE section below. 

CLASS PHOTO PROJECT: Unfortunately, we will not be able to have our traditional whole class photo this year. However, we definitely need a keepsake class photo to commemorate this exceptional school year. We would love for you to send us a photo of your childWhen taking the photo please use the following guidelines: outside for good lighting (but not in direct sunlight), use greenery or non-distracting background for the photo, portrait orientation (up and down), and include the child’s head and shoulders. We will make a collage keepsake for every student. Please send your photo to Ms.C. by May 31. Please see the example (Thank you to my niece for allowing me to share her Gr. 7 grad photo!!) 


Here are some activity suggestions to try this week. Families can choose how to best fit these into your week.  Do one or do some!  



(try to do these every day) 

1. Reading – continue reading books at your level. Did you know you can get more points by listening to stories and taking a quiz? When you are listening to the story, be sure to track the words. 

2. Get active  



LET’S WRITE TONGUE TWISTERS: Watch this video of Elmo describing what “tongue twisters” are before you start the activity 



Now let’s write our own tongue twister about ourselves! Make a list of words that begin with the same letter as your first name. My name is Jennifer so my list includes words like jump, juggle, jellybeans, jam, jolly, joyful. Then I am going to put all of these “J” words into a sentence. After a few tries, I created a tongue twister: Jennifer joyfully jumps and juggles jellybeans. 

Now try to say it 3 times quickly! I can’t wait to read your tongue twisters! 


BEE FACTSWatch the following videos in order. 

1.click here to see Ms.C describe this activity 

2.Bee video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ta154f5Rp5Y 

3.Pollination https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=txv2k7OoY7U 

Now write 4 new bee facts that you learned in your “All About Bees” booklet. 


-MY REFLECTION JOURNAL: Write your answers and draw pictures in pages 4-6 of your reflection journal.  


WRITER’S WORKSHOP: Write about one of the daily topics, create your own topic, or write about what you think your day would look like if you were a bee. What would you do throughout the day?  

 Watch this video of banded bumble bees from Ms. Mah’s backyard!




MONEY PRACTICE – finish Let’s go shopping pages in your money booklet 

SUBTRACTION GAME – CONNECT FOUR: play this game to practice your subtraction skills. Click on this link to print a gameboard but if you do not have a printer you can easily draw your own. You will need: the gameboard, 2 dice, about 10 little squares of paper in 2 different colours. 

How to play: roll 2 dice (eg. You get 11), roll 2 dice again (you get 7), now subtract 11-7. It equals 4 so you put your coloured square on a 4. Then your partner takes a turn. Continue. The first person to cover 4 numbers in a row wins! 



 Listen to this 3D shape song: https://youtu.be/ZnZYK83utu0

 After you listen to the song, can you find 2 items that are these 3D shapes in your house?  

 A rectangular prism, a pyramid, a cube, a cylinder, a sphere, a triangular prism, and a cone? Take a picture- so your friends can see if they found the same items in their homes. Please remember you need to put away the 3D shapes that you find😉  



Complete the Tracing pages in your 3D Shapes Pack. After you’ve completed this, can you draw a picture using 3D shapes? 



BUTTERFLY UPDATE: What do you think the caterpillars are doing? Do you notice that some of them are hanging from the top? Why are they doing this? What do you think will happen next? 





1.Watch and listen to the story by clicking here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2O-mEe-4ZO4 

2.Cap stacking: Can you find some different caps/hats around your house? How many can you stack on top of your head? Challenge your family members to do this too! 

3. Make a fun hat out of newspaper!

How to Make a Newspaper Hat

4.Draw your own picture from the story using this link to help you when drawing the monkeys. Click here



-The weather should be beautiful this week so get outside and have some fun. Practice skipping, draw 3D pictures with sidewalk chalk outside, or create a game with your yellow bouncy ball! 



– If you feel you need a bit of quiet time, close your eyes and listen to this enchanted tea party meditation. Find a quiet place that you can lie down and listen to the story. What images do you see as you listen? https://youtu.be/b57QvR1Ysyw 


Sharing our Learning from Home: May 15

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Once again, we have enjoyed seeing photos of all the wonderful learning that is happening at home. We had such fun making bee puppets during our group zoom session! Some of the activities from this week included visiting our class tree, sorting 3D shapes, building popsicle stick bridges, writing wonderful journal stories, bee lifecycle activities and opening stores to practice our money skills!

Please note that there will not be a Whole group Zoom session on Monday because it is a holiday. However, I will be sure to send a fun story and activity for you to do instead.

Have a lovely long weekend!


Learning at Home May 11-15

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Learning at home for the week of May 11 – 15 

Special announcements:   

Monday Meeting at 1pm: Mrs. Aujlaour new principal, will be joining us to meet all of you! Please be prepared to tell her something special about Brantford School. We will also be doing a bee craft so “bee” prepared with some yellow construction paper (or any colour will do!), scissors, glue, and something to colour with. Zoom id will be sent in separate email.

Reminder for your small group lesson with Ms.C.: Please be prepared with a “Show and Tell” item (keep it hidden for the meeting) and write 3 clues to read to your group. Practice reading your clues before your lesson starts.  

Here are some activity suggestions to try this week. Families can choose how to best fit these into your week.  Do one or do some!  



(try to do these every day) 

1. Reading – check out your RAZ kids reading book.  

2. Get active (see suggestions below “Get outside/get active”) 



BEE LIFE CYCLE – get your “All about Bees” booklet and a pencil ready for this activity. Click here to watch Ms. C.’s lesson about the bee life cycle. 

-WELCOME EMAIL TO MS. AUJLA -with your parent’s help, type an email to welcome Ms. Aujla to Brantford School. Some things you may want to tell her can include: What is the best part of Brantford? What are the best places to play outside? What are some special activities that happen at our school? What is your favourite thing to learn about at Brantford? Why are you proud to be a part of the Brantford community? Her email is Navdeep.Aujla@burnabyschools.ca 

-WRITER’S WORKSHOP: Choose one of the daily topics or create your own topic to write about in your writer’s workshop. 

-TREE JOURNAL: Take out your “My Tree Journal”, which was in your package, and draw a picture of the school tree (or a tree near you) and fill in the blanks describing the tree. Try to write on extra sentence about any changes you notice about the tree. 



MONEY LESSON – complete the 4 pages of How much money do you have?” 

CREATE A STORE- Perhaps you have time to create a pretend store this week. Will it be a grocery store, an electronics store, a dollar store, a toy store, or a coffee shop? Then create items to sell at your store with prices. You can make some pretend money and ask family members to buy things from your store. Make sure they give you the right amount of money! 

 Video of Ms. Mah reciting the 3D Poem

-3D SHAPES PACK: Trace all the shapes up to the 7th page and then use your playdoh and toothpicks to make the 3D shapes. Remember, 3D shapes are fat not flat!  

-3D SHAPES AND LABELS: (This was separate from the 3D pack). Cut out the “3D Shapes and Labels” page and line them up, in a row, on a flat surface. Cut out the “Item Cards Set 1” and place them (in a column) under the matching 3D shape. Please do not glue them down. Take a picture of all your sorted shapes:) Please keep your 3D Shapes and labels in a safe place so that they can be used at a later date to sort set 2.  


MS. MAH’S PLANT GAME What has Ms. Mah planted? Can you match the following plants with their photos? blueberries, kale, strawberries, raspberries, garlic 

SCIENCE WORLD CENTRE STAGE SHOW- I am so excited to share this show from Science World with you. It’s like being at Science World! 





BEE CRAFTS – if you missed our Monday meeting, here is the craft that we worked on. Perhaps you can think of other ways to make a bee using materials that you have at home or that you find outside. Have fun! 




COSMIC KIDS YOGA – try a new yoga like Harry Potter or Star Wars yoga (thanks for the recommendations!) 

Get outside and enjoy the sunshine! 



-RAINBOW BREATH: Try out this Rainbow breath exercise  https://youtu.be/O29e4rRMrV4 


Rainbow Breath – Flow | GoNoodle 

Learn how to raise your energy and face your day with this exercise. Have fun with it! This video comes from GoNoodle’s Flow channel. Flow gets kids to relax… 



Sharing our learning from Home May 8

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Hello Friends! We hope you have had a lovely week. Ms. Mah and I love seeing the activities that you are doing at home. We loved reading about the significance of your names, seeing your bee investigative activities, and having a look at the special cards you have made for your moms! Keep up the amazing work! We are very very proud of all of you! Remember to be extra helpful to your moms on Mother’s Day!


Learning at Home May 4-8

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Learning at home for the week of May 4 – 8 

Special announcements:  Autumn is “Star of the Week”.  She says that she wants to be a baker when she is older. She LOVES candy and she likes to use fruit by the foot to make things.  We hope you have a great week Autumn!


Don’t forget to pick up your bridge building kits on May 8! 

Our WHOLE class “Monday Meeting” at 1pm. Join if you can! Find the zoom link in the email sent on Saturday. 

Here are some activity suggestions to try this week. Families can choose how to best to fit these into your week.  Do one or do some!  



(try to do these every day) 

1. Reading – try to check out RAZ kids this week. Ms. Mah reports that about half of our class has checked out this awesome website. Way to go! It would be amazing if every student could check it out sometime this week. This is a wonderful resource that is being offered for free right now! We are very fortunate to have access to it so let’s use it! 

2. Get active 



BEE ANATOMY LESSONclick here to watch this lesson with Ms. C. and complete the activity in your “All About Bees” workbook 


WRITER’S WORKSHOP: Write about your mom. What is it that makes her special to you? What is a way you could show her how much you appreciate her? 


STORY: Listen to the story “The Name jar”. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uu2k829FSBU Ask your parents why they chose to give you your name and write about the significance of your name in your journal. Try to write three sentences.


STORY – Read a loud Click here to listen to Ms. C. read “The Pigeon Goes to School”



MONEY LESSONS: -please complete the remaining pages of “Identifying coins” booklet. 


-EXTRA MONEY PRACTICE: Can you make groups of coins that equal the same value? For example, 3 dimes, 6 nickels, and one quarter/one nickel all equal 30 cents. 


-EXPLORING SHAPES IN ART: Below are two pictures.  

One shows the shapes that are found in aboriginal art work and the other is a picture that was created by Michelle Stoney who is a Gitxsan artist who lives in Hazelton, BC. She has worked very hard to get to the point that she’s at in her art and I have included her youtube biography here:  



A note from Ms. Mah: “I have asked the artist if we have any questions, can I pass them along to her, and she has said yes:) So please think of any questions you have and I will pass them along. I will email everyone a few of her drawings for you to look at and colour. She has given us permission to do so.  


So, here is your assignment: What shapes do you see in the bumble bee? How many of each shape do you see? Can you draw a picture using these shapes? 


-2D MATH BOOKLET:  Make the die and then roll it 12 times and graph your results. I wonder if anyone will have the same results?  After you’ve made your graph try to find all the I Spy shapes on the last page of the booklet. 





MYSTERY DOUG VIDEO & LESSON TITLED“How do bees make honey?” 


make sure you click on the blue arrows at the side when the clips are finished. You will be able to access more of the lesson this way.



MO WILLEMS AUTHOR VIDEO – learn how the Pigeon books were created and learn how to draw “Pigeon” 



MUSIC CLASS ACTIVITIESfrom Ms. Gaspar including a musical scavenger hunt: https://sd41-my.sharepoint.com/:w:/g/personal/e14702_burnabyschools_ca/EaMB5C1HOItDpMFm4ybYs3gBSsa382EZB7PtEHI0AECFdg?e=xD84hW 


MOTHER’S DAY CARD: If you want to make a different version of a card, you can follow along with Art for kids hub: How to Draw a Mother’s day Folding Surprise here:  





P.E. WITH JOE – try out these 30 mins. Exercise videos. He is a P.E. teacher from England who now has children from all over the world joining him for exercise classes. 

Click here 




TAKE A BREAK: Sometimes when we are feeling a bit frustrated, or sad it’s a good idea to take a look at what is happening outside. Take a moment to go outside and find a tiny critter and sit back and observe what it is doing. Is it collecting food, flying, moving slowly, making a home? Take deep breaths as you watch them. You will find that after a while your body feels calmer. If you can’t get outside, sit by a window and watch the clouds or see if you can see the trees swaying in the wind. A lot is happening in nature when we take a bit of time to look closely:) 



Sharing our Learning from home May 1st!

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Happy May everyone! We hope you have all had a chance to enjoy a bit of outside time on this beautiful day!

We had another wonderful week of learning adventures from learning about bees to creating your dream home and watching our seeds sprout to observing the nature around us. We are so proud of the ways that you are using your time at home to explore new topics while being creative.


Star of the Week!

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Nil is the Star of the Week!
Nil says,
“My favourite food is french fries.
When I grow up, I want to be a doctor.
I love to do tricks!”
We hope you have a wonderful week Nil!

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