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Hello everyone!

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Hello families!

I just wanted to send a quick note to let you know that I am doing well in my recovery. I am still hobbling around (I can’t walk very far yet) but I am still hoping to return to class next week.

I truly miss all the kids so much! Ms. Cantafio tells me they are doing really well.

When I return, the students are going to be helping to plan our last month of the school year. We will be focusing on STEAM activities and lots of outdoor lessons (STEAM stands for Science, Technology, Engineering, Art and Math). If you have a moment to research some STEAM lessons ahead of time that would be great! Check out the following links for some ideas. I would love for each student to contribute an idea for a lesson (building paper tube marble tracks, creating ramps for toy cars, building clay boats, etc.).

STEAM activities

More ideas




Friday May 21 is a PRO-D DAY. No school for students.

Monday May 24 is Victoia Day Holiday. School Closed.

Have a wonderful week!


Weekly update April 30

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Is it really the last day of April already?

Student Led Conference Folders

On Thursday, your child brought home their student led folder.  Please read the enclosed yellow notice and make time to go through your child’s work with them. Please return the folder, Poetry/Song book, journal, and completed yellow form by Monday.

Ms. C. is having surgery next week

I will be having varicose vein removal surgery on Wednesday.  I have been waiting three years for this surgery so even though I am very sorry to leave the class for 2 weeks of recovery, I felt that I needed to take this opportunity.  I am pleased to announce that Ms. Cantafio will be my replacement until May 25. She has been a TOC in our class already and we have made lesson plans for my time away to ensure their is continuity in lessons.

“Read Every Day” Book bags

I have sent home about 10 books for each student to read at home over the next few weeks. Please keep the book bags at home until I return. Re-reading the books is a wonderful way for students to increase their reading confidence and improve reading skills. RED book bags can be returned during the week of May 25.

Outdoor Learning Photos

Our class tree and potato plants!

Please look for the May calendar with your child’s planner today.


Weekly update April 23

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Hello families!

I am very excited to share the news that I was vaccinated on Friday!!! I owe it all to a mother of a previous student who told me about a Burnaby Pharmacy that was offering walk in vaccinations. This is one step toward helping our school community become even safer!

Chess Mania

Uk created this amazing chess board a few weeks ago. The students all became interested in playing chess. We were fortunate to find some chess boards at school so the students are very excited to learn and play chess.

Earth Day

We read the story called “The Lorax” this week. The students were very engaged in talking about how we can take care of the Earth and only take what we need from the Earth. They had so many ideas of how we can show gratitude to the Earth for everything it provides for us.

For our art activity, the students created their own special “Truffala” trees inspired by the Lorax.

You can watch the story on Youtube at this link The Lorax or watch the longer movie on Netflix.

We also listened to a lovely story titled “Thank you Earth”. Watch it by clicking on this link:

Thank You Earth

Indigenous Learning

We had a special lesson from our district’s Indigenous Learning Teacher, Ms. Gamble.  We learned and discussed the reasons why acknowledging the land we live on is so important and learned some special greetings.

and, of course, we had lots of fun building, creating, and playing as always! I continue to be amazed by the creativity of your kids!


Weekly update April 16

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Happy Spring everyone! The sunshine this week has allowed us to get outside as much as possible.

The students have probably mentioned that we go outside for our Morning Exercise Circuit EVERY DAY. It has been a great way to wake up our bodies to be ready for learning at school.

Here are some pictures of us doing our math lesson outside:

Our daffodils have fully bloomed! Have a look at the students’ gorgeous “Still life” drawings of our daffodils!

**The students brought home an incomplete assignment titled “The Six Senses of Spring”. If you want to complete it at home, please do so. It is not mandatory to complete it.

Please return your child’s report card envelope (see picture) if you have not already done so. You can keep all the papers inside, I just need the envelope for the final report.


Please make a note that Monday April 26 is a pro-d day. School will be closed for students.

Have a wonderful weekend!!!


Weekly update April 1

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Welcome back to school!

The class has settled nicely back into the classroom routines.  I am very happy to return to the classroom to see their faces and be a part of their learning once again.

Outdoor Fitness

Beginning on Tuesday April 6, we will start every day with outdoor fitness.  Students will enter class as usual at 8:50, wash hands, and hang up backpacks. Then we will be heading to the spider web area at 8:55.  If for some reason you arrive at school later than 8:55, please walk your child to find us outside.

Sunflower Seed Planting

In September, we saved some seeds from our gigantic sunflower that we studied in our classroom. We just planted some of the seeds in our classroom and hope to transfer them to the outdoor planters once the weather is warmer.

Potato Plant Update

Over the Spring Break, our seed potatoes sprouted. One sprout is already higher than the edge of the tub!

We will continue to “hill” (adding soil as needed) until our sprouts are growing leaves. Hopefully, by the end of June we will be ready to harvest our potatoes.

Easter egg decorating

The students were SOOOO excited to dye eggs for Easter. These are hard boiled eggs so if you want to save them please keep them in the fridge to prevent the smell from spreading. I told the kids that I don’t recommend eating them as they had been out of the fridge for a while.

Easter Weekend

A reminder that school is closed on Friday April 2 and Monday April 5 for the Easter weekend.

Please return your child’s report card envelope if you have not done so already. Thank you!

Take care! Stay safe!

Weekly update March 5

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Hello families!

We must be approaching Spring…our daffodils are sprouting!

We finally completed our animal research projects and habitat dioramas. They are in the display case for everyone to admire! Way to go Division 14!

We began a “wet felting” project for the Burnaby Art Gallery’s program titled “Arts Alive.” The theme this year is “connections”. Each student chose a colour of wool. We shared a bit of each colour with every student. Then students learned how to rub the wool with water and soap in a plastic bag so it all became connected. I can’t wait to assemble all of the creations into a beautiful wall hanging to be displayed at the art gallery for this year’s exhibit!

all of the creations drying on the clothesline!

Important dates to remember:

Friday March 12 – Report Cards sent home, last day of school before Spring Break

March 15 – 26 Spring Break

Monday March 29 – School re-opens


Have a lovely weekend!

Weekly update Feb. 26

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What an absolutely gorgeous day!

I hope you are all able to get out today. I encourage you to ask your child to name 5 ways they can describe their outdoor surroundings (ie. what do you hear? what do you see? what do you feel? what do you smell?).

I am excited to be a part of some amazing workshops today about writing, outdoor learning, and social emotional learning.

Pink Shirt Day

We were fortunate to have our own Ms. Androsoff read her story “Scout and Kit” to our class on Pink Shirt Day. We learned all about ways that we can make new friends and play nicely.


Our habitat creations are looking amazing! If your child wants to bring a specific material to add to their habitat, they are more than welcome to make that addition.  We will be using clay to create our animals this week and add to our habitat!  Thank you very much for all of your shoebox donations!

See you next week!


Weekly update February 19

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Happy 100th Day of school!

We had so much fun today exploring all things “100”! The students planned our activities today which included making 100 hats, playing snakes/ladders to 100, doing 100 exercises, and singing our Skip Counting song to 100.

Ms. Serka found some of the students working together to create a “nest”!

We have finally started to create habitats for our animals. If you have time, I am sure your child would love to look online for pictures of their animal’s habitat so they have more ideas on how to create an accurate habitat.


Upcoming Special days:

-Wednesday Feb. 24 – Pink Shirt Day – Students are welcome to wear something pink (not necessary but welcome) to recognize the importance of being “kind” all year long. We will have a very special guest author read her story to our class.

-Friday Feb. 26 – Pro-D Day – School will be closed for students.

Have a lovely weekend!!!

Weekly Update February 12

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Gung Hay Fat Choy!  Happy Valentine’s Day!  Happy Family Day!

Wow-what a festive weekend it will be!

Even though we could not distribute valentine cards and goodies from home this year, the kids were just as excited to open their Valentine mailboxes full of messages from their classmates!

Valentine puzzles!

The alevin hatched from their eggs!

Can you see the yolk sac attached to their bodies?

Amazing marble works structures!!!

If you want to draw baby yoda at home, here is the link to Art for Kids hub on youtube. Click here

Have a wonderful weekend!

Please remember that there is no school on Monday. 

Read lots, practice skip counting by 5 and 2, and get outside for some fresh air!


Weekly update February 5

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WELCOME February!

February is month full of so many celebrations and festivities! Hang on for the ride!

Here is one sample of our salmon life cycles.

Here we are working very hard at our animal research projects:

Here are our beautiful “Heart Maps”:

Please remember that February 15 is Family DAy. School will be closed

Friday February 26 is a Pro-D Day. School is closed for students.

Have a wonderful weekend!


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