Weekly news for Nov. 25 – 29 – Division 14 – Ms. Capitanio

Weekly news for Nov. 25 – 29

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Weekly news for Nov. 25 – 29

Book Fair is open in the library until Wednesday after school.


**Please remember to attend our Open House at your chosen time (3:00 or 5:00). The students are excited to share their learning with you and perform “Goodnight Owl” for you.



Family reading from 8:55 – 9:15

Jingle Bell Walk – Please send your children to school dressed for the weather as our class will be delivering flyers to neighbourhood homes. We will be advertising that our school will be collecting items for needy families in our community.

A sneak peek at a recent math lesson:

During a recent math activity, we read the story “Ten Flashing Fireflies”. While we listened to the story, we moved the fireflies from outside the jar into the jar as they were being caught in the story. As a result, we were able to record different ways to make ten. The students noticed many number patterns while we recorded the equations.


Looking forward to seeing you in our classroom on Wednesday!

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