Weekly update: January 29 – Division 14 – Ms. Capitanio

Weekly update: January 29

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Hello families,

Once again, we have had an amazing week of warm weather. Where is this snow they keep talking about?

Home Reading:

Thank you very much for reading with your children at home using the books from the “RED folder” bag. We have almost 100% of students returning their bag for new books every Friday. I mentioned to the class that they can write the title for each book once on the reading log and then place a check mark every time they re-read the story. Something like this:

Place Value Game:

The Grade Ones learned a place value game. They have 9 popsicle sticks, each with 10 dots on one side and one dot on the other side. They drop them, sort them into 10s and 1s, then figure out the number of dots that are showing without counting each individual dot. Have fun playing this at home!

Dry hands:

We have noticed that many of the students’ hands are very dry from so much hand washing. If you would like to send a small bottle of hand lotion for your child to use at school, I am fine with them keeping it in their desk.

Valentine’s Day:

Due to the unique situation at school this year, students are not to bring any Valentine cards, goodie bags, treats, or any other item from home to distribute to their classmates. I know this does not sound like very much fun but I will make sure they all get to have the full Valentine/friendship experience at school. Thank you for your support with this.

Have a lovely weekend!


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