Happy Holidays! – Division 14 – Ms. Capitanio

Happy Holidays!

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Thank you for all of your holidays wishes! I truly appreciate all of your support and patience this term as we have navigated a very unique school year. The students have grown in so many ways which are especially evident in their kindness to one another and dedication to learning activities.

This week we learned about Winter Solstice (the longest night of the year) and that various cultures that celebrate this event with lantern festivals.  We created nature lanterns and enjoyed eating snack by lantern light.  We also visited Ms. Thompson and her Christmas village display at the office.

You will notice that your child has brought home their inside shoes and extra clothing bag.  Please ensure that their shoes and clothing still fit them! You can return inside shoes and extra clothing (shirt, pants, socks, and underwear) on Monday January 4.

School reopens on Monday January 4.

I wish you all a peaceful and wonderful break together! See you in 2021!



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