Weekly update Nov. 27 – Division 14 – Ms. Capitanio

Weekly update Nov. 27

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I hope you all enjoyed an extra day together on Friday!

A few classroom updates:

-Over the next few weeks, we will be learning about Winter celebrations and traditions from around the world. Your child will have some homework relating to this next weekend.  They will be encouraged to outline the details of a special holiday that your family celebrates. I will be sending home a form for your child to complete with your help next Friday.

-I will be adding books to EPIC about various holidays that are celebrated around the world. Please encourage your child to read/listen to these stories.

-This week our class will be completing very special Christmas cards for seniors in care homes.  We have spoken about “filling each others’ buckets” by doing kind things.  We agreed that creating special cards would be a kind way to bring joy to seniors who will not be able to see family members this holiday season.  These cards will be delivered to care homes through an initiative called “Cards for Seniors.”

-Puzzles!!!  Our class has really enjoyed doing puzzles lately. Puzzles are an amazing way to spend time together as a family, work with others towards a common goal, problem solve and develop spatial awareness (and they are lots of fun too!)

If you would like to borrow a puzzle or two from our classroom for the holidays, just let me know.

Reminder that the last day of school before the Winter Break is Friday December 18.

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