Update for Oct. 22 – Division 14 – Ms. Capitanio

Update for Oct. 22

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Weekly update Oct.22

Hello everyone! What a beautiful stretch of weather we have been enjoying! We were able to get outside today to plant daffodil bulbs in our class garden. We found lots of weeds, worms, mushrooms, and root systems while we prepared the garden.

For our art lesson, we created different shades of blue by adding white and black paint. Check out our amazing “Moonlit skies”.



-Friday October 23 is a Pro-D Day. No school for students.

-You may have received an email alert from “School Cash online” indicating that $7 is due for your child’s planner. Please pay on “school cash online” when you can. Thank you.

-Please be aware that nuts are not permitted at school due to allergies/sensitivities of students in our classroom. This means no peanut butter, almonds, or other nuts. Please be mindful of this especially if your child brings a Halloween candy to school.

-Students are welcome to wear a Halloween costume to school on Friday. I recommend that your child wears some comfortable clothing underĀ  their costume so they can easily change if they wish to do so. We will be celebrating Halloween with a few simple Halloween activities in our classroom.

-After Halloween, please limit one treat per day in your child’s lunch and only send nut-free option.



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