Learning from Home Activities for June 22-25 – Division 14 – Ms. Capitanio

Learning from Home Activities for June 22-25

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Learning at home for the week of June 22-25 (our last week) 

Special announcements:  Happy Birthday to the following friends: 

Mylar Balloon - Winnipeg Florist Dragonfly Flowers

Alejandro – June 23 

 Isaac and Eden  June 25 

Amanda – July 18  

Hridaan – July 22 

Hazel – August 14 

Uk – August 16  

A separate email will be sent including the zoom links for the following class zoom sessions: 

  • Monday 1:15 – 1:45 – Zoom Music with Ms. Gaspar 
  • Wednesday 1:00 – 2:00 – Whole Class Zoom – To celebrate our last get-together of Grade One we are going to have a “beach party” themed meeting. We will be visiting the Monteray Bay Aquarium (featured in Finding Dory). Come prepared to share what your favourite sea creature is. 
  • There are no small group sessions with Ms. Mah this week as Thursday is our last official day of school. 

Please have a look at your scheduled “Report Card” pick up time on Thursday June 25 posted on our blog.  

Also, a reminder for the “in class” learners that Monday will be our last day of in person instruction at school. There will not be any class for Div. 14 students on Tuesday June 23. 

Here are some activity suggestions to try this week. Families can choose how to best to fit these into your week.  Do one or do some!  




WRITER’S WORKSHOP– Watch the story “Stick and Stone” .  After you finish reading the book, in your Writing Workshop book, write about a time when you had to show empathy and draw a picture. When we empathize with other people we start to understand each other better and this creates more harmony between people.  


STORY- Click here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U1bDLm1NhbI to listen to “Happy Right Now”.  This story encourages us to turn our wishes or unhappy thoughts into happier thoughts.  My example is I’ll be happy when it stops raining, but I’m happy right now because the flowers need water to grow.” Complete the worksheet found here or make your own.

MAD LIBS – Try out some mad libs online. Just fill in the blanks with the appropriate words and they will be used to make a silly story: 



Noun: a person, place, or thing (eg. dog, New York, pencil) 

Adjective: a describing word (eg. cute, tall) 

Verb: an action word (eg. jump, run) 


SUMMER READING CLUB ONLINE – click here to find out how to join 



SUMMER JOURNAL– When you pick up your report card on Thursday, you will also get a “summer journal”. Inside you will find a list of different topics to write about during the summer. 



SUMMER MATH – All summer long, we encourage you to find math in nature, at the beach, in the park, or in your backyard. Can you find patterns in nature? Can you find a counting collection at the beach? Can you write math equations in the dirt or sand? Can you create a story problem using seashells or pinecones? Can you keep a tally of the birds that fly by your house? Can you measure the length of items that you find outside? Can you put different sticks in order from shortest to longest?  

Here are some pictures for inspiration: 

Math Patterns in Nature | Coffee Cups and CrayonsNature Find and Count Math Activity • Little Pine Learners

Seashells Math Activity Order Of Size with scallop shellsRock Balancing: Stone Stacking Art | Rhythms of Play


BOAT BUILDING CONTEST – Invite family members to design and build a boat out of things you have at home! Then have a contest to see which boat can float the longest or hold the most nickels before sinking! 



MAKE ICE CREAM to celebrate the last day of school!https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DNdu-0SZCLk 



Get outside as much as possible this summer to enjoy the beautiful weather! 



SUMMER WISH LIST– Take the time to sit down with your family and make a list of realistic things you would like to do this summer. Some examples may include: walk around Deer Lake, visit the Burnaby Nature House, visit Burnaby Village Museum (if it reopens), visit a splash pad, have a family game night, make homemade pizza, try to cook a new recipe together as a family. Put your list in a visible place and try to choose dates on your calendar to do these things. Of course, not all of them will happen but the fun is in making the list and planning for them! 



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