Remembrance Day & Bulb Planting – Division 14 – Ms. Capitanio

Remembrance Day & Bulb Planting

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Hello families,

Last week, many of our lessons focused on “peace”. We talked about ways we can be peaceful in our classroom and on the school grounds. We had a discussion prompted by the question “What would happen in the world if everyone focused on solving problems peacefully instead of by fighting?”

We read “A Poppy is to Remember” and drew our own beautiful poppies to add to our wreath for the Remembrance Day Assembly (see photo).

With our buddy class, we were able to enjoy the beautiful weather and plant daffodil bulbs in front of our school. I’m sure your child will be more than happy to show you which garden plot our bulbs are planted in!


News for the week of Nov. 11 to Nov. 15

Monday – School is closed for Remembrance Day.

Wednesday – Hot lunch

Friday – Family Reading begins. All family members are invited to our classroom to read with the students from 8:55 to 9:15.


Please look for a notice that will be coming home on Wednesday with more details for our “Open House” on Wed. Nov. 27.


Have a wonderful week!



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