Sharing our Learning from Home: May 22 – Division 14 – Ms. Capitanio

Sharing our Learning from Home: May 22

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Are you ready for some spectacular tongue twisters?

Daniel dances and does dazzling dabs.

Alejandro and Avengers appear and as they adventured an avalanche advanced.

Damian and Doha drove dangerous dinosaurs while driving dump trucks.

Hridaan is risky and re-using riddle in a river in Rio.

Gardener Gavin grew garlic and ginger.

Autumn’s aunt is amazingly awesome.

Ninja Nil needs a nap.

Jayden’s jam jar jungle jellyish juggle.

Eric enjoys eggplant in an empty English class.

Mikayla misses Ms. Capitanio and Ms. Mah.

Mikayla makes monkey’s moves.

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