Introduction to Home Learning (with video from Ms.C.) – Division 14 – Ms. Capitanio

Introduction to Home Learning (with video from Ms.C.)

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It was so wonderful to speak to families this week and hear about all the amazing things that are happening at home. We are very appreciative of how understanding, supportive and kind families have been towards us as we work to develop a plan to support you and you child.
This week, we know many of you have started thinking about learning through a variety of avenues. It was really heartening to hear about the learning opportunities and environments that have already been created at home by families. 
The Burnaby School district has asked teachers to take a slow and thoughtful approach to developing a learning plan for your child. With that being said, after our conversations, many of you and your children are eager to get started in some capacity. We are still waiting for approval to hand out a package of materials for the students to use at home. As soon as we are approved to do so, we will have set times for families to pick up these packages that Ms. Mah and I have been busy preparing.
We do not want to bombard you with emails so our plan is to send one email outlining suggested activities for the week on Sunday evenings. We will try to send video clips of us reading stories or explaining activities in these weekly emails. 
In an effort to share our learning with each other, please email us pictures of projects and activities that your child completes during the week by Friday at noon.   We would love to post these pictures on Fridays.
We will continue with “Star of the week” as four children have yet to have their turn. We will make sure to get the Star of the week posters to the remaining children so we can post their posters online.
Please click on the link below to see a “Welcome to home learning” video from Ms. Capitanio (and her kids!)
Teaching online for home learning is very different from the social, interactive, and collaborative learning that happens in our classroom.  This is new to all of us!
Please send us feedback by email letting us know what you like about this format, what is not working for you, suggestions on how we can improve our communication, etc.

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