Hello families! – Division 14 – Ms. Capitanio

Hello families!

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Hello everyone,

Ms. Mah and I hope you are all staying safe and healthy during this uncertain time. We hope you have been able to enjoy this time together. We have really missed seeing your faces and we have been thinking of you all the time! 

We hope you have received an update from the Burnaby School District and that you are aware that students will not be attending school indefinitely.  We will be speaking with Mr. Gurney on Monday morning to learn how we will best support students’ learning at home. At this time, we are not exactly sure what that will look like. As we get answers, we will update you as soon as we can.

For now, we have a couple of things to ask of you:

  1. Please reply to this email so we know which families are receiving this information. 
  2. In the reply email, please simply indicate “confirmed” OR describe a special activity that your child did during Spring Break.
  3.  If you are able to go for a walk in the community, we would love to hear how our daffodil bulbs are doing. How tall are they? Have they bloomed? How many can you count?

Stay safe and stay healthy!

Looking forward to getting responses from you,

Take care, from your teachers,

xoxo Ms. Mah and Ms. Capitanio

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