Literacy Week Information – Division 14 – Ms. Capitanio

Literacy Week Information

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During the week of Monday, March 9 to Friday, March 13, we will be celebrating “Literacy Week” at Brantford. 

One of the activities for literacy week will be a “book swap”. This is an opportunity to clean out books from your home that could be better loved in a new home. We will keep track of the number of books that your child brings to school so your child can then choose that many books at the book swap. Please send in your books so Mrs. Dias can prepare the books for the swap!

Here is a list of the activities for Literacy Week:

-Monday – assembly

-Tuesday – Wear any clothing that has letters or words on it and guest author, Nancy Duarte, will visit our class

-Wednesday – Book swap and Open House, early dismissal at 1:50 pm, Mrs. Mah will send home your confirmed slot to visit our class

-Thursday – dress as your favourtite character day – Ms. Mah will have the class create a simple costume at school so no need to create something at home (unless you really want to!)

-Friday – Cozy reading day. Students can wear PJ’s, bring stuffies and cozy blankets to have for special reading times throughout the day.

Looking forward to seeing you next week!

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