“Mathletics” and weekly update – Division 14 – Ms. Capitanio

“Mathletics” and weekly update

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Hello families!

I am excited to introduce “Mathletics” to you. It is an online program that you can use with your child at home to practice and reinforce math concepts. Our school has a license to provide this program to our class. Your child has received a specific username and password so they can use the program at home with your permission. You will want to supervise your child while they start out with this program to ensure they understand how to navigate the site. We practiced using the site in class so they should be somewhat familiar with how it works. I recommend no more than 10 minutes per session, 3-4 times per week because I feel it is important to limit screen time for children.

Your child’s username, password, and website address are taped into the front of their planner for easy access at home. Thank you for your support!


Weekly update Feb. 3 to 7

Monday – dismissal at 2:00

Tuesday – 

Wednesday – library day, hot lunch

Thursday – 

Friday – Family reading, curling class


Upcoming special days:

-Wednesday Feb. 12 – 100th day of school. Remember to bring a collection of 100 small inexpensive items.

-Friday, Feb. 14 – Valentine’s Day – students are invited to bring Valentine cards for classmates and one piece of pre-cut fruit for our Friendship fruit salad.

-Wednesday, Feb. 26 – Pink Shirt Day – this is a day to remember to be kind and be a good friend. Students are welcome to wear pink.


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