Welcome Back! March 28 – Division 14 – Ms. Capitanio

Welcome Back! March 28

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Welcome back to school!

I hope you all had a restful break. It is exciting to return to school and note the warmer temperatures and signs of Spring.

Tomorrow is Class Photo Day – I just wanted to let everyone know that class photos are scheduled for tomorrow. I am not sure of the time of day but I will request early in the day.

Wednesday Outdoor Learning – We will be walking to the park every Wednesday afternoon. Please send your child to school dressed for the weather as we will go to the park regardless of weather (unless it is torrential downpour). Thank you to the following parents for offering to accompany us on our adventures: Anita, Annie, Parm, and Oliver’s grandmother.

Masks at school – As you are aware, masks are not mandatory in classrooms anymore. I have told the class that I will not be wearing my mask when I am distanced from the group (storytime, teaching to whole group, in gym, and outside). I will try to wear my mask when I am working closely with the students.  If you wish for your child to continue to wear a mask at school, please talk to your child at home about this. I will not be reminding students to wear their mask or give out spare masks.

Good bye to Reet – We will be saying goodbye to Reet later this week. We will miss you and wish you all the best at your new school!

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