Weekly News Dec. 9 – 13 – Division 14 – Ms. Capitanio

Weekly News Dec. 9 – 13

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Hello families,

This week our class will be creating stories through a process called “Story Workshop”. The students are using materials found in our classroom to “build/create” a story.  They will be encouraged to draw pictures about their story and begin to write words and sentences to support the ideas of the story. We will be focusing on the main idea of the story. We are looking forward to seeing what they will create!

Wednesday – Please return library books.

Friday – Family reading

On Tuesday, Dec. 17, we will be having a “crafternoon” when we will be making 2 to 3 different holiday crafts. If you are able to volunteer in the classroom from 12:45 to 3:00 please let me know. I would love to have at least 3 helpers if possible. Thank you!


For the last week of 2019 (Dec. 16 – 20), the school will be having the following Spirit Days:
• Monday: Christmas/Winter Accessory Day (toque, scarf, Santa hat, etc.)
• Tuesday: Festive Hair (or whacky hair) Day
• Wednesday: Tacky/Ugly or Nice Christmas Sweater Day (or any sweater!!!)
• Thursday: Red and Green Day 
• Friday: PJ Day + pancakes, bingo and caroling galore!!

Students are welcome to participate in the activities as they want to but please do not feel that your child must have all of these items every day. This is just a fun way to celebrate the last week of 2019!

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