Weekly update June 26 – Division 14 – Ms. Capitanio

Weekly update June 26

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Sorry that I missed posting our weekly blog update on Friday. I could not stay in that hot classroom any longer!

I hope you are all finding ways to stay cool this weekend.

Just a reminder that our last day of school is on Tuesday from 8:55 to 10:25. On Monday, we will be sorting through our work and supplies. The students should bring a bag to carry all of their things home on Monday.

Fun and learning from this past week:

Making a marble run with paper tubes

Newspaper towers Challenge

Potato Harvest: We found 40 potatoes in our tub!

And a visit from RCMP about bike safety!

We took a class photo with everyone. I will make sure everyone receives a copy as a keepsake from this school year.

See you on Monday! Please send lots of cold water, a hat, and wear appropriate clothing. It’s sure to be a hot one!


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