Weekly update April 30 – Division 14 – Ms. Capitanio

Weekly update April 30

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Is it really the last day of April already?

Student Led Conference Folders

On Thursday, your child brought home their student led folder.  Please read the enclosed yellow notice and make time to go through your child’s work with them. Please return the folder, Poetry/Song book, journal, and completed yellow form by Monday.

Ms. C. is having surgery next week

I will be having varicose vein removal surgery on Wednesday.  I have been waiting three years for this surgery so even though I am very sorry to leave the class for 2 weeks of recovery, I felt that I needed to take this opportunity.  I am pleased to announce that Ms. Cantafio will be my replacement until May 25. She has been a TOC in our class already and we have made lesson plans for my time away to ensure their is continuity in lessons.

“Read Every Day” Book bags

I have sent home about 10 books for each student to read at home over the next few weeks. Please keep the book bags at home until I return. Re-reading the books is a wonderful way for students to increase their reading confidence and improve reading skills. RED book bags can be returned during the week of May 25.

Outdoor Learning Photos

Our class tree and potato plants!

Please look for the May calendar with your child’s planner today.


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