100th day photos and playtime fun! – Division 14 – Ms. Capitanio

100th day photos and playtime fun!

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We hope you had a lovely family day weekend! It is wonderful to see the beautiful sunshine this week!

You may have noticed that the Gr. 7’s have initiated a “litterless lunch” project to bring awareness to the amount of packaging that we throw out at school. The students are being encouraged to take home their wrappers to recycle at home. For this reason, please empty the wrappers from your child’s backpack. We have an “emergency” garbage can in our room to dispose of things like kleenex and bandaids. Thank you for your support.

We thought you would enjoy seeing how our 100 day collections were used.

We also had fun building “trains” of 100 unifex cubes and doing an activity 100 times in the gym.

More photos of playtime fun :


Please try to complete some mathletics activities and read from your RED folder.

Upcoming dates to remember:

-Wednesday February 26 – Pink Shirt Day

-Thursday February 27 – Movie Night – Pikachu – please see PAC website for more details

-Friday February 28 – Pro-D Day – No school for students


Have a great week!

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