Division 14 – Ms. Capitanio – Brantford Elementary, Burnaby B.C.

Weekly update Sept. 20

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Pete the Cat, Star Letters, and Terry Fox!

Hello everyone!

It was fabulous to have the whole class attend full days together this week! Everyone is learning the routines and learning to work together. Much of what we do in the early part of the year is get to know each other through play. The class has a “morning choice” time when they choose hands-on activities or finish up work. We also have a longer “exploration” time in the afternoon when the students can choose where they would like to play.

Art Projects

There are many opportunities to explore through art. This week we learned about “lines” by painting rainbow lines for our self-portrait backgrounds and creating name banners.

Star Letter

Every week we focus on learning all about one or two letters. We learn to recognize letters, learn the sounds, and print the letters correctly. This week we learned about M and S. Here are the Kindergarten friends learning how to print “s” on their whiteboards.

Pete the Cat

Many of our activities this week focused on “Pete the Cat” books.

Check out these cute Pete the Cats with the letters of our names on the buttons.

Guest Reader

We were fortunate to have Mr. Hodges visit our classroom to read us the fun book “Pigeon goes to School”. We hope to have him visit us again soon!


On Tuesday Sept 24, I will visit with Grade 1 families and some Kindergarten families (those that did not make it to an intake conference). Please arrive promptly at our classroom door (room 117) at your specific time.

Here are the times below:

2:00 Alisa

2:30 Alexandra

2:45 Hayden

3:30 Sam

4:00 Cameron

4:30 Evie

4:45 Adam

Terry Fox Run

The students were inspired to run like Terry Fox on this gorgeous afternoon. Way to go Division 14!

Dates to remember

Monday Sept 23 – Pro-D Day -no school for students

Tuesday Sept 24 – early dismissal for conferences at 1:55

Friday Sept 27 – Orange Shirt Day – students are welcome to wear an orange shirt but please do not feel that you need to buy one especially for the day.

Monday Sept 30 – School Closed for National day of Truth and Reconciliation


Have a beautiful weekend!

xo Ms.C

Weekly update Sept. 13

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Hello families!

Thank you for visiting the blog. Please email me at jennifer.capitanio@burnabyschools.ca to let me know you received our first blog entry.

I will update the blog every Friday with some classroom photos from the past week. You may wish to bookmark this site so you can access it at any time.

Here are a few photos from this week so you can have a peek into our classroom.

We had amazing drumming lessons with our instructor Daniel! So much fun learning about rhythm.

Please complete the forms that have been sent home this week and return to school as soon as possible.

Note: I will be away for my daughter’s dental surgery on Monday and Tuesday. Ms. Nelson will be teaching the class on both days. She already met the class and knows the classroom very well!

Thank you for your patience and we find our “groove”!

Have a wonderful weekend!

xo Ms. C

One last update!

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Hello families,

It has been an absolute pleasure to teach your children this year. Watching them emerge as readers, writers, mathematicians, and witnessing them growing into lovely humans has brought immense joy to my world this year. They are special little people that will always hold a place in my heart!

Thank you for all of your well wishes. I am truly grateful.

Have a wonderful summer! Enjoy all of the special moments that summer allows!

xo Ms. C

Ideas for Free Summer Fun for Kids

Walking field trip June 21

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Hello families,

I am not feeling well tonight so I made the decision to ask Ms. Nelson to cover for me tomorrow. She will take the class to Rene Park and she knows all the details.

I am so sorry to miss this fun trip but I know I will not have the energy.

Please make sure your child has everything they need in their backpack….water, snacks, towel, hat etc.


Have fun!!!

Weekly update June 14

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Sports Day!

We had an awesome time at Sports Day today!

Three Little Pigs Project

This week, we built houses for the three little pigs using building materials from our classroom.  Our goal was to build a house strong enough to withstand the big bad wolf blowing it down. Here are some of the awesome creations!

Plasticine Boat Project

Our goal was to create a plasticine structure that could float. After lots of trial and error I believe everyone was able to create something that floated! This lesson taught us how to adapt and continue to try until we reach our goal.

Ribbon wands

With the beautiful weather earlier in the week, we were able to get outside for a movement break using the ribbon wands.

Field Trip

Thank you very much to our volunteers who will be joining us next Friday on our walking field trip to Rene Park. I will send more info home next week once we have a better idea of weather conditions. We will have a pizza lunch delivered to the park. If you have ordered hot lunch for that day, I will ask the hot lunch coordinator to place it in the fridge so I can hand it out at the end of the day to take home.


Please return the green notice so that your child has permission to receive a hot dog on Thursday June 20 after the pow wow assembly. The PAC requires permission in order to give the students hot dogs so please return it asap. If you do not have a copy, Ms. Aujla resent the information on Thursday evening.

I’m sure everyone will sleep well tonight after today’s excitement!

Have a fabulous weekend and Happy Father’s Day!

Weekly update May 31

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June Events, Ladybugs, and math games!

Our mystery larvae are ladybugs! Unfortunately many of them escaped from their enclosure but we enjoyed watching the remaining few ladybugs fly away this week.

Math games

We have been playing “war” with playing cards this week. We also learned how to play snakes and ladders. I really encourage families to play a game this weekend if you have time. The kids absolutely loved learning how to play games and they learn so many skills while playing.

June is a very busy month!

The June calendar will be sent out next week but please make a note of the following dates:

Thursday June 6 – early dismissal at 1:55

Friday June 7 – Pro-D Day, no school for students

Friday June 14 – Sports Day – dismissal at 1pm (see more info below)

Friday June 21 – **tentative** – walking field trip to Spray Park. If weather allows, we will walk to Rene Memorial Spray Park at 11am, have a pizza lunch (thanks to the PAC) and return by 2:55. WE WILL NEED THE HELP OF A FEW PARENTS SO IF YOU ARE ABLE TO VOLUNTEER TO WALK WITH US AND HELP SUPERVISE, PLEASE LET ME KNOW. If your child is ordering hot lunch for that day, we will send it home at the end of the day.

Thursday June 27 – last day of school, students dismissed at 10am.

Sports Day

Sports Day will be on Friday June 14. Sports Day is a fun yet busy day for the younger students where they will participate in activities with students from the whole school. Dismissal will be at 1pm. Every student will be a part of a colour team. Students are encouraged to wear clothing that is the same colour as their house team. This year’s theme is “Space” and the colour names are a blend of 2 colours.

Blurple (Blue and purple) – Sofia, Silas, Vihana, Niko

Rorange (red and orange) – Leonardo, Niharika, Jaydon

Grack (green and black) – Jessica, Evie, Amara, Kaiya, Aidan, Titus, Lucas

Wellow (white and yellow) – Kien, Olivia, Leo


Enjoy the weekend!




Weekly update May 17

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Plants and Insects

We continue to observe our mystery insects in class. What will they become-we still don’t know! We have researched butterflies, bees, ants, and other insects hoping to figure out what our larva will turn into. No luck yet!

We planted our bean sprouts outside as they were growing so tall in the classroom.

Hopefully they like living outside in their new tub.

Special Talents

The students are doing an amazing job presenting and/or performing their special talents. We have had drawers, dancers, gymnasts, and artists. Lots of fun!


School is closed on Monday May 20 to observe Victoria Day.

Friday June 7 will be a Pro-D Day. School closed for students.

Gr 1’s – please please please read your book bag books at least 2x and return them next week. Practice is the most important way to become a fluent reading!

Kindergarten families – reading stories to your child is so important as they become readers. They learn vocabulary, grammar, pronunciation, connection, and self-regulation through the simple act of having a story read to them.

Enjoy the long weekend with your family!

Weekly update May 10

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Beautiful Days!

My apologies that I did not get to post a blog entry last week, but I have lots of news for our update this week!

Litter Pick up Crew

The Gr. 6/7s taught us about keeping the Earth clean during Earth Week. This week we had the opportunity to use “litter picker uppers” to collect garbage from the school ground. In only 15 minutes we collected all of this garbage!

Earthquake Drill

Today we had a full earthquake/evacuation drill in the afternoon. Our class was incredibly patient as we worked through the process and practiced what would happen in case of an actual earthquake! Way to go Div. 14!


We received some mystery insect larvae yesterday! We are excited to find out what insect they will grow into! Stay posted for updates!

Canucks Day

On Tuesday May 14, we will cheer on our Vancouver Canucks with a spirit day. Everyone is welcome to wear Canucks colours of green and blue!

Label fundraiser

Brantford PAC has a fundraiser with Oliver’s labels that is ongoing every year. If you would like to order name labels for your children’s items, here is the link http://www.oliverslabels.com/Brantford


Happy Mother’s Day to all of the wonderful female caregivers of our class! I hope your family spoils you!

Have a lovely weekend!



With the warmer weather, please e

Weekly update April 26

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Hello families, just a few reminders:

Pro D Day

Monday April 29 is a Pro-D Day. School will be closed for students.

Student Led Conferences

On Wednesday May 1, students will be dismissed at 1:55.

Student Led Conference times:

2 to 2:30: Amara, Elvin, Leo (Gr. 1), Kien, Lucas, Niharika, Niko, Jessica, Aiden, Evie and Olivia.

5:00 to 5:30: Vihana, Kaiya, Jaydon, Sofia, Leonardo G.

Book Fair

Mrs. Dias has organized for the Scholastic Book Fair to be at our school next week. We will visit on Tuesday for a “sneak peek”. You may visit the book fair on Wednesday with your child between 2 and 4:30 when you come for student led conferences. A portion of all purchases is donated back to our school for new books.

Have a lovely weekend!





Class Photos on Friday!

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Hello families!

Class Photos

Just a quick note to mention that class photos will be taken tomorrow.

Late Arrivals

I also want to mention that I really encourage families to try to have children at school by 8:45 every morning. Classes begin at 8:50 and doors close. It is disruptive for children to arrive after 8:50.

I often have up to 8 students arrive LATE (after 8:50) in the morning!

As a parent, I completely understand that mornings are hectic and we will be late on occassion. However, I have almost half the class arriving after 8:50 on a regular basis. This is also more work for the office staff because they need to mark the late absence at the office taking away from their precious time. Please try to be on time to teach your children the importance of being on time.


Thank you very much!


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