Friday Fun

Hello Everyone,

It was good to see many of you yesterday. Thank you so much for picking up your packages. Inside you should have found:

  • Your school supplies
  • Your journal
  • Your drawing booklet
  • Your poetry book with several blank pages tucked inside (this will be used for future poems)
  • A response booklet that looks very similar to your drawing book (we will use it for class activities)
  • Seeds and a bit of soil

Your Journal

If you haven’t already done so, take some time to read through your journal today. It is bound to bring back happy memories. When you are done, start a new entry that includes answers to the following questions:

  1. How are you doing or feeling?
  2. How have you been keeping busy? (For example, watching TV, reading, going for walks, playing games, playing with your brothers or sisters, etc.)
  3. Do you miss school? If so, what are some things that you miss?
  4. What do you love about being at home?
  5. Anything else you want to tell me.

There is no set number of pages that you must write, but instead aim for at least 20 minutes of focused writing. Not to worry if you don’t get through all the questions. Don’t forget to start your page with the date.

Your Poetry Book

Browse through your poetry book and see how many poems you remember. Pick your favourite and read it to someone in your house. Include the actions if you can! Keep the blank papers that I’ve tucked inside safe by securing them into your duotang. We will be adding a new poem shortly.

Your Seeds and Soil

Together we will be planting Bush Beans. Before you begin you will need to find a container to plant them in. What goes into a great a container? Watch the video below and we will discuss it.

Click here to see Ms. Bonar talk about planting and containers.

Once you have selected your container, you may go ahead and plant your seed. Remember to ask your parent’s help to put holes in it. Please note that when you decide to plant, you will need to complete an activity in your Response Booklet. When you are ready, follow these steps:

  1. Make sure your container has holes in the bottom to let water drain through.
  2. Carefully pour the dirt in. Make sure you don’t push down on it too hard. Let it sit loosely in the container.
  3. Poke a hole in the soil with the top part of your finger. The hole should be 2 to 5 cm deep. Put the seed in and push dirt over top. Repeat for the next seed, making sure you leave space in between.
  4. Get a tablespoon from your kitchen. Sprinkle 1 or 2 tablespoons of water over your plant.
  5. Put it in the sunniest part of your house. Bush beans love the sun and the soil needs to warm up for the plant to sprout.
  6. While you are waiting for your plant to sprout, turn your container around each day so that the sun hits different parts of it.
  7. Keep an eye on your soil. It does not need to be watered everyday but if it starts to look dry, put a bit more water on it. Be careful not to put too much as it can hurt your plant. Use a spoon for control.

In your Response Booklet:

Write the date at the top.

Write the title: Today I Planted Bush Beans

Draw and colour a picture of what your plant looks like today.

Write these two questions and answer them in a complete sentence:

  1. What type of container did you use?
  2. What do you think a plant needs to live and grow?

Here is an example:

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