Happy Monday!

Monday, April 20th

Hello Division 8!Right, Arrow, Next, Arrow, Arrow, Arrow

Hope you all had a lovely weekend with your families and spent time measuring and cooking together! I’ve got some photos of your masterpieces…please keep sending your pictures to me and I’ll add them to our blog! Also, please let me know what was your favourite part of cooking with your family on the weekend?

For example: My favourite part of cooking was when I put the flour in the measuring cup…I spilled it everywhere and got some all over my kids 🙂 I don’t think that was their favourite part though…

Guess who’s got a Music Blog?  You guessed right…Ms. Raap! Your job today is to go to her blog and choose one Music Notes, Note, Music, Sheet Music, Musicalactivity to complete! I’ve put a link to her blog under ‘Blogroll’ – look to the right! Have fun and sing your hearts out…warn your parents first : )

Once your done, head over to Microsoft teams for my Math video of the day!



Ms. Binng


28 thoughts on “Happy Monday!

  1. Hi the recipe for the garlic cheese biscuits is………
    2 1/2 cups biquick mix
    1 cup whole milk
    4 tablespoon cold butter
    1/4 teaspoons garlic powder
    1 cup grated cheddar cheese
    brush on top
    2 tablespoons melted butter
    1/4 teaspoons dried parstey flakes
    1/2 teaspoons garlic powder
    pinch of salt
    1) preheat oven 400 degrees
    2) med bowl add bisquic with cold butter using pastry cuter or large fork ( should have chunks of butter size of a pea add cheese milk and garlic powder mix by hand
    3) drop dough on cookie sheet
    4) bake 15 – 17 mins
    when done baking brush with butter mix
    and my favorite part of baking it was eating it

  2. hi mrs.binng I was so happy to see you guys but u didn’t mention my name at all did you not see me????????????

    1. I’m glad we talked after the meeting so that you knew that we couldn’t hear or see you! I hope that we’ll see you on our zoom meeting next Thursday! I will call you before to give you the meeting ID and password. Your job will be to turn on the video and audio so we can see and hear you!

      Remember to read the posts each day and complete the activity each day! I’ll be waiting for your response everyday! Have a good weekend Maxi!

  3. Hi!mrs.binng i just want to say sorry that i didn’t know that u didn’t see or hear me at the zoom meeting

      1. That’s great! I’ll check them today. Can you please check this blog each day? Did you look at the one for Friday? Read that one and leave a comment please!
        Thanks Maxi!

    1. No need to apologize Maxi!!! I’m just happy that you were a part of it…now let’s hope on Thursday we can see and hear you! Love, Ms. Binng 🙂

    1. Each day you should see new writing by me…please read that and write a comment on the topic of the day. Thank you.

    1. That’s great. But I want you to write a comment for my blog posts just like you’re doing here, not in the blogfolio. Each day I post something, go to the top of the page and read my post. I’m asking everyone to write a comment under each of my posts. For example the last one says Cooking on the week-end…read that please and write what you cooked this weekend. Please stop working in the blogfolio…thank you.

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