Let’s get COOKING Division 8!

Friday, April 17th

Chef, Character, Cook, GourmetDear Division 8,

Let’s get cooking this weekend! Get your cups, tablespoons and teaspoons ready and think about all the yummy healthy food that you’ve eaten at home.  What is one recipe that you can share with the rest of us? I’m going to share my ‘roti’ recipe with you! Roti is a traditional Indian bread that I make for my family often…it’s super easy to make and delicious to eat with lots of different curries.


1 cup flour

1/2 cup of water






  1. Pour the flour into a bowl.
  2. Slowly add the water 
  3. Mix and knead the flour until it becomes a big ball!
  4. When you’re ready to make roti…make a little ball and roll it out into a circle. Put it on the fry pan and then let it puff up!
  5. Put some butter on it and it’s ready to eat!












Your job this weekend is to cook something with your family! You can make a fruit salad, smoothie, salad, eggs…it doesn’t need to be hard! Your job is to measure, have fun and enjoy the time cooking with your family.

For today, please let me know what you’ll be making this weekend! Once you’ve made your recipe can you please take a picture and email me at Satpaul.Binng@burnabyschools.ca. Thank you!

Also, don’t forget I’ll be calling to speak with YOU today! Have a poem ready to share with me please…a joke is always fun too : )

PSGo over to teams for a math video! 

Have a lovely weekend! 


M aking memories,

S unshine all around us,

B aking on the weekend with the people I love!

I nside my home – all day long,

N ice conversations with my students!

N ice to hear such laughter!

G oing to keep smiling : )


25 thoughts on “Let’s get COOKING Division 8!

  1. We have made banana bread and here is the recipe from my mom
    1.5 cups of flour
    3/4 to 1 cup of sugar
    1/4 cup of butter (softened) scroll down for more đŸ™‚
    1 teaspoon of vanilla extract
    1 teaspoon of backing soda
    1/2 teaspoon of baking powder
    1 egg
    3 very ripe bananas
    add chocolate chips or walnuts if you wish
    1) preheat oven to 325-350 degrees F. Grease and flour a 5×9 inch loaf pan
    2) mash bananas and add flour, sugar, butter, vanilla, baking powder, baking soda and egg. Mix well pour into loaf pan.
    3) Bake at 325 to 350 degrees F for 50 to 60 min, or until toothpick inserted into center of cake comes out clean.

    1. Okay! So you’re job is to help make this delicious recipe with your parents on the weekend and send me a picture!!! I can’t wait to see it!

  2. I made Banana Bread. This is the ingredients
    1/2 cup butter
    2 eggs, beaten
    3 bananas, finely crushed (for serious and extreme moist and delicious, try 4 banana)
    1 1/2 cups all-purpose flour
    1 teaspoon baking salt
    1/2 teaspoon vanilla (optional)
    Preheat oven to 350 / 180.
    cream together butter and sugar.
    add eggs and crushed banana.
    sift together flour, soda and salt. add to creamed mixture. add vanilla
    pour into greased and floured loaf pan.
    bake at 350 / 180 for 55 minutes

  3. Meringue cookies
    ~3 large egg whites
    ~1/2 teaspoon of vanilla extract
    ~1/8 teaspoon cream off tartar
    ~3/4 cup of sugar

    1. Preheat the oven 100.c.
    2. Beat the egg whites,vanilla, cream of tartar until
    the mixture is soft peaks form.
    3. Add the sugar 1 tablespoon at a time, waiting
    about 15 seconds between each addition.
    4. Beat for 5 mins until the mixture is stiff.
    5. Put the mixture into a pastry bag with a star tip.
    6. Bake for 45 mins, then turn off the oven and leave the cookies for 30 min.

    AND EAT!!!!!

  4. We are cooking ‘Sesame Bread’ with daddy

    Materials: Bread mix 250g, one egg, water 70ml

    How to making it
    1. Put all materials in a mixing bowl and evenly knead it into a dough lump.
    2. Divide the dough into seven to eight parts about 1.4 inches in diameter for each.
    3. Spread the lumps on a baking pan and spray water evenly onto them
    4. Bake the bread in the 180c preheated oven for about 35 min until the surface turns light brown.

    And enjoying sesame bread!

  5. Blueberry smoothie
    1 ripe banana
    1 cup of frozen blueberries
    1 nonfat plain yogurt
    Step 1 In a blender, combine banana, blueberries, and yogurt
    Step 2 Blend on high speed until smooth. Pour into 2 or 1 cups

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