Nature poems!

Thursday, April 16

Hello Division 8!

I hope you had fun watching the video yesterday and things didn’t get too messy at home 🙂 Some of you have been asking for the answers so I’m going to leave them here:

                                                                                 3 teaspoons in 1 tablespoon           

Sugar, Cinnamon, Cinnamon Sugar, Sweet 16 tablespoons in a cup         

2  1/2’s in a cup    

1 1/2 cups

1 cup = 3   1/3 cups                             

16 cups in a gallon or 4L

I’m glad you had a chance to practice because YOU are going to need those measuring skills on the weekend when you cook a healthy recipe! We’ll talk more about this on tomorrow’s blog! Can’t wait to share recipes : )

Hiking, Nature, Walking Trails, Jeans, Walking ShoesFor today, your job is to go on a nature walk with an adult! On your nature walk I want you to listen to the sounds, and look at the beauty around you for inspiration to write your first Nature poem.  I went for a walk today and I could hear the birds chirping and I was inspired to write about the blossoms. 


 Ms. Binng’s poem:

B looming beautiful cherry blossomspink petaled flowers

L ove the white and pink colours

O ver the hills and covering the skies

S pring is here!

S ummer is near!

O h my!

M y neighbourhood is filled with your sweet smell,

S uch a delight to be near!

Do you notice something about my poem? *Hint: Look at the first letter on every line…they spell the word blossoms!

I want you to find something from your walk to write about…it could be a tree, caterpillar, butterfly, sun, birds or whatever else you see or hear! Start each sentence with the letter of the word like I did and write in down in the comment section! I can’t wait to read your poems today! I’ve also added some great nature poems in your Epic books account, please take some time to read them this week!


M issing youwhite and yellow daisies

S  pecial students

B een so long since I’ve seen all of you!

I nviting you to big hugs when all this is over!

ever to old to dance right?!

ever to old to do the butterfly : )

G oing to keep smiling : )





35 thoughts on “Nature poems!

  1. Beautiful cherry blossoms
    Light fresh breeze
    Sunshine & flowers blooming
    Such a good time on the flowery green hills
    Oats for the morning
    Magnificent sight
    Swirling wind

    Hope you liked my poem :3

    1. Awww….that’s lovely! You used such beautiful words like ‘light fresh breeze’ and ‘magnificent sight.’ Do you see a lot of cherry blossoms when you go for walks around your neighbourhood?

      1. Beautiful is the spring .
        I can see a lot of bees,trees,flowers, and birds .
        Rocks did not get in front of my walk.
        During my walk was beautiful.
        Spring is when birds come.

    1. I didn’t add the math games for today…you can go to and do measurement for 10 minutes today if you like!

  2. Friend’s are like flowers.
    Like to see you guy’s in my dream.
    One day we will play all together.
    We will see each other.
    End the corona virus!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Really wanna see you guys but I can’t so I see flowers.

  3. Beautiful flowers surrounding me
    Loving the fresh new cherry blossoms
    On a sunny day
    Sweet yummy fruits everywhere
    Such a beautiful place
    Oh my I would pick these beautiful flowers
    Marigolds on the green grass
    Sun is setting to the ground

    I tried my best to write this ✏️

    1. I can tell you tried very hard! Do you notice the cherry blossoms when you go for a walk in your neighbourhood?

  4. Flying birds
    Rocks are shiney under the sun
    I hear birds chiping
    Enjoying the cool breez
    Nice and woderful flowers
    Danceing grass


    What springs!
    In spring?
    Buds spring!
    Leaves spring!
    Flower spring!
    Tree spring!
    Plants spring!
    Grass spring!
    Gabriel sing
    In Spring!

  6. Yes! Spring is my favorite season because it is not too cold and not too hot and there is lots of flowers blooming.

  7. I love spring❤
    I love smelling flowers
    Smells so good
    Beautiful blossom
    Tall grass
    Tall trees
    Big flowers

  8. Ms. Binng,
    I finished my messy math homework but I cannot save my answers on the powerpoint silde (it is read only).

    1. Ooooh….I love the sound word that you used…’Chirp’ What a great idea! Do you hear lots of birds in your neighbourhood?

  9. Tulips are in many colors like rainbow
    Using different colorful nature pieces to make a rainbow tulip
    Inside a tulip is pollen where bees collect the pollen to make honey
    Pretty tulips come only when it’s Spring
    So many beautiful and colorful tulips to choose from

    1. Wowza! What a beautiful poem…you use so many descriptions in your writing. I love when you compare tulips to rainbows…just amazing, I can picture it in my mind! I’m going to go on a tulip hunt on my next walk!

  10. Nowhere seeing garbage
    Always hearing birds chirping
    To many beautiful trees to chose from
    Using nature to make a project
    Riding my bike looking at cherry blossoms
    Eating cookies on a picnic mat

    1. Ahhh…I love eating cookies on a picnic mat! Sounds like you had a lovely bike ride in the neighbourhood today! I just came back from my walk and I’m feeling so refreshed 🙂

  11. beautiful stars up in the sky
    love the way it shines so bright
    oh it is so beautiful
    shining in the clouds
    so lovely so peacful
    oh it makes me so happy
    my walk wa great

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