
Monday, April 27th

Dear Division 8,

It’s PRO-D today! I hope you enjoy your day today!

Just before Spring Break we learned a little bit about biomes and ecosystems around the world. We learned how we Earth, Planet, Mother Earth, Ecologywere all connected to the environment and the impact we had on the world. I noticed that many of you mentioned how much you care for our Earth, on Earth day. You gave me many examples to follow such as turning off lights, turning off water and recycling to ensure the safety of our Earth.

Now that many people around the world are at home, a very interesting thing is happening to our Earth. I want you to watch the video below first.

In the comments section below, please explain what is happening to the Earth now? Do you think it’s a good thing or a bad thing? Please explain your answer with at least 1 detail.

Also, just a friendly reminder that this week I will be having zoom calls every day with 5 different students at 11:00am. I’ve sent the link to your parents. On Friday, we will have a zoom class meeting with everyone!

Elynn, Kary, Elie, Fariha and Diya – please remember to join the meeting at 11:00am today! I look forward to chatting with you.


Ms. Binng




29 thoughts on “Ecosystems!

  1. I think that it is a good and bad thing because some things we’re good and some things were bad in the video

    1. Hi! Can you explain…what are the good things that are happening around the world? Use the examples in the video.

      1. The good thing, the earth is healing with reduced traffic and tourists. The bad thing is cronovirus and staying at home.

  2. In general things are not going well in the world, but nature and environment wise it’s going very well.
    I hope when the COVID-19 is over, people do take care about the environment and nature and keep the world as shown in the video.

    1. Well said Shahid! It’s amazing to see all the animals coming back and the water and air levels being so clean.

  3. The water is clean so the animals such as dolphins, swans could swim in the clean water.
    The air is clean because no one is using cars, trains and planes.
    Its a good thing because the world is clean.

  4. Hi the bad things are that covid-19 is spreading and people are dying
    The good thing is people are trying hard to help and end this.

  5. I see that it is a more in a good and a few bad thing let me explain.. Good because the earth is healing due to decreased of air pollution, animals are having freedom to roam around the environment and people are being united by being stay at home to save more lives. It is bad in a way that other people are spreading fake news in social media.

  6. Hi Ms.Binng,
    I think the planet is healing because we are all staying home and
    the water is clearing up. Also at 7:00 we sometimes clap or get something mettle and hit it to make a loud (not to loud) sound. That mean “Thank you” to the frontline workers.


    1. I wonder how we would be able to keep healing our planet once we understand and deal with the COVID19 problem?

  7. The bad thing is the disys is spreading so we stay indoors to keep peolpe healthy and safe.
    The good the thing is scientists are doing hard work to get the disys so people can go outside and staff.

    1. Thank you for sharing! What’s happening to the animals around the world? What’s happening to the Earth? Did you watch the video?

      1. The pandas in the zoo are making baby pandas now. Hahaha. The animals are comeing to the city to explore. There are less pollution, because there are less cars on the roud.

  8. Hi Ms.Binng I think the good things are Improvement in pollution ( air, water and land), people taking care of personal hygiene, the wild life is cheerful. The bad thing is the Coronavirus is taking lots of lives.

  9. Hi ms Binng. I am very happy with the Animals that they are free. And we do have to stay home from the outbreak.

    1. It’s nice to see some good things happening in spite of the coronavirus. Thank you for sharing your ideas.

  10. Hello Ms:Binng.
    I think Corona virus is not only a bad thing because the ocean water is gating cleaner and there is little bit of car even there is no-one in a ocean and beach and right now people is scared of there going to die and they are afraid thinking of dead but nature and animals are more save that’s why thinked that Corona virus!!!!!!!!!!!

    1. Yes, it’s definitely a hard time because even though the Earth is becoming healthier, it’s a scary time for many human beings.Thank you for sharing your ideas.

    1. Maxi, I just called back again and no one answered. I wanted to give you password for the zoom meeting.

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