Zoom Meeting!

Friday, April 24th

Dear Division 8,

We have our winner for the Paper Airplane Challenge!


Dawson’s paper airplanes flew 500cm!!!! Congratulations Dawson! Take a look at the pictures of all his planes!





Also a big thank you to all of you who celebrated Earth day by making an Earth day poster sharing tips/poems to help care for our Earth. Thank you Elynn, Gabriel, Fariha, John, Quinn and Brandon for sharing!

We will be having our first zoom meeting today at 11:00am. If you can’t make it today, that’s okay, we will have another one next week! Meeting, Relationship, Business

Our zoom meeting will be a class meeting so be prepared to share how you are feeling today on a scale of 1-10 and why! Also, be prepared to share a good joke – your choice!

Weekly Reflection:

I want you to think about all the learning you did this week. Please share what was your favourite activity? Why did you enjoy it so much? Look forward to reading your answers down below!

When you’re done, head over to Microsoft teams for your Math cards game video!


Ms. Binng

25 thoughts on “Zoom Meeting!

  1. Hello Ms.Binng my favourite activity was the messy math.
    I liked when I was done with the flour and then I made a little
    patch of dough. I also liked the cooking part because it was fun to
    do all the beating and eating!!!
    (=*- *= )

    1. That’s great to hear! I agree with you…I love cooking and eating too but I get my kids to do all the mixing and I do all the eating 🙂

    1. It’s okay! Sometimes there are little problems with technology, I’m going to try and fix the problem and then we will try again next week! I sent your mom an email. You will have a session on Wednesday and on Friday! Can’t wait to see you!

  2. Hi ms Binng. i like everything this week, specially Measure around the home and playing with my paper airplane I also enjoy making the earth day project.

  3. Hi Ms.Binng! My favourite part was the cooking because the lemon cake was delicious also I liked the jokes my classmates shared

  4. My favourite part was messy math because this part was a challenge and I love the challenge specially math challenge.

    1. Yes the meeting was for today and today’s meeting just ended. I will call you tomorrow morning and give you the new ID and password for tomorrow’s meeting at 11:00am. Hope to see you tomorrow.

  5. Hi!Mrs. binng i saw the morley video and I miss morley to but promise to stay healthy enough

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