Canadian poets!

Thursday, April 23rd

Hi Division 8!

I love that so many of you are reading the poems in Epic books!

Today I’m going to introduce you to some Canadian poets. The first poet is Robert Heidbreder – his poems are in your Epic books account called ‘Noisy Poems for a Busy Day.’  The second poet is Loris Lesynski and he has a wonderful poem titled, ‘Boy Soup.’ I’ve attached the video below!  Read and listen to the poems. When you’re done, write down which one was your favourite and why?

I can’t wait to see which poet Division 8 liked the most!

When you’re done, head over to Microsoft teams and get ready for your math ‘Paper Airplane Challenge.’ 


Ms. Binng


28 thoughts on “Canadian poets!

  1. My favourite poem is Noisy poems for a busy day because it was so cute. I think the name of a poem was hug a cat. I love cats‍‍❤❤❤❤

      1. Hi ms Binng. My routine is Breakfast, School work, Playtime, Make rice because I know how to measure now… ms Binng. I just want you to know that My monster rocks and hearts are in my blogfolio because at first I don’t know where to post it.

  2. My favourite poem is The Funny Turkey. Its about a funny turkey that allways gos…… Bobble Bobble Bobble!!! Its funny for me.

  3. My favourite poem was ‘Noisy Poems for a Busy Day.’ I enjoyed this poem more because the children brush their teeth before going to bed. I also brush my teeth before going to bed!

    1. My favourite poem was the ‘brown bear brown bear what do you see’ because is simple poem
      And peaceful poem.

  4. Hi mrs.binng! I watched boy soup and it was so fun what I liked about it is when he sneezed I saw a baby bottle and when he ate the soup he had big cheeks wait was so funny and gross

    1. Hi Maxi! I’m so proud of you – you wrote the comment!!! Yay!! I’m so glad you thought the poem was so funny!

  5. I liked the poem from Noisy poems for a busy day, it was so funny
    Big blech- Bup
    What do you say? Excuse me. And? Thank you

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