
Tuesday, April 14th

Dear Division 8,

Hope you all had a wonderful long weekend and enjoyed the sunny weather!

Your job for today is to explore poems! Do you have a book of poems at home? Start reading!

If you don’t, it’s okay, I’ve put a book online for you at Epic books…it’s called ‘Pizza and other Stinky Poems!’ It will be in your library.  Read some of the poems in the book and tell me your favourite one and why?

Epic! - Books for Kids - free All-you-can-read eBook library for ...For example:

My favourite poem was ‘Show and Smell’ because it was so funny and I could imagine someone in our class doing the same thing! It reminded me of all the yucky, rotten food we found in the coatroom before spring break!

I’ve also attached a video a Canadian Poet, Dennis Lee, who reads his poem, ‘Alligator Pie.’  Have a listen and be inspired to explore the poetry around you! 


Ms. Binng



39 thoughts on “Poetry!

  1. Melinda Mae
    Have you heard of Melinda Mae,
    Who ate a monstrous whale?
    She said she could,
    She said she would,
    So she started in right at the tail
    And everyone said, “You’re much too small,”
    But that didn’t bother Melinda at all,
    She took a little bit and chewed very slow,
    Just like a good girl should…
    And in eighty-nine years she ate that whale
    Because she said she would! 😀

    1. Oh my goodness…what a poem!!!! I can’t believe she ate a whale…she reminds me of Lulu! She was pretty stubborn too!

  2. The Apple

    Up in the apple tree.
    High off the ground.

    I see an apple
    so big and round.

    I climd up the tree
    and hold on tight.

    I picked that apple,
    And I took a big bite!
    m-m-m-m-m Good!

  3. I have a little frog
    His name is tiny Tim.
    I put him on the bathtub.
    To see if he could swim.
    He drank up all the water.
    And gobbled up the soap.
    And when he he tried to talk.
    he had a bubble in his throat

    I like because make me laugh and is so funny and I like frogs.

  4. Forgotten.
    Lords of the Nursery wait in a row,
    Five on the high wall and four on the low;
    Big kings and little kings,
    Brown bears and black,
    All of them waiting
    Till Fred comes back.

  5. The one about ice cream made more sense because. When they say i scream. It sounds like ice cream. plus it was a tongue twister even i can’t say it.

    1. Oppss my comment is about the book of Pizza and the stinky poems! Now here is my comment about the Alligator Pie. What i have notice is there is a lot of rhymes to it.

  6. Ketchup

    When you tip the ketchup bottle,
    First will come a little, then a lot’ll.

    I like it because it’s true.

      1. Fresh fish

        You can smell
        Fried fresh fish,
        Fish fried fresh,
        Fresh fried fish,
        Fresh fish fried,
        Or fish fresh fried.
        However you cook it,
        It smells like FISH!

  7. Fresh fish
    You can smell
    Fried fresh fish,
    Fish fried fresh,
    Fresh fried fish,
    Fresh fish fried,
    Or fish fresh fried.
    However you cook it,
    It smells like FISH¡
    It’s my favourite poem because I love fish.

  8. Ice cream

    I scream
    you scream
    we all scream for ice cream!

    I liked this part because of cats face is very funny!

  9. The Unicorn
    Horn of ivory,
    Tail of silk.
    Eyes of gold,
    Coat of milk.
    Quick as lightning,
    Old as tree.
    Gentle as flower,
    Ranging as sea.
    Dew-drop of rose,
    Shadow of moon.
    Mist of hills,
    Cries of loon.
    Memory for old,
    Dream for young.
    Legend for all,
    Seen by none.
    Horn of ivory,
    Tail of silk.
    Eyes of gold
    And coat of milk.
    My favourite part was when it said Mist of hills, cries of loon because I like how mist is like a gas and u can see it

    1. Ooooohhh….love your favourite part! Such a lovely visual poem…I love the part where it says ‘dew-drop of rose.’

  10. We see leaves
    We see orange,
    We see brown,
    We see leaves,
    on the ground.
    We see yellow,
    We see red,
    We see, leaves above our head.

    1. What’s your favourite part about this poem? Also, Diya don’t forget to open up your work in teams and OneDrive – ‘Writing with Photos.’ I can’t wait for you to share your ideas!

  11. My favourite poem is Whoever Sau-sage a Thing.
    One day a boy went walking
    And strolled into a store.
    He bought a pound of sausages
    And laid them on the floor.
    The boy began to whistle
    A merry little tune,
    And all the little sausages
    Danced around the room!
    I like this because there are hotdogs and I like eating hotdogs. Also, I think dancing sausages are funny.

  12. Hi mrs.binng!! sorry I didn’t go and to zoom.com I couldn’t log in because it said it was luanching
    But it didn’t it was taking a long time a long time anyways how are you doing today !!!!!

      1. No just listen to the Alligator Pie story, tell me what did you notice about the poem? What did you like?

    1. Hi Maxi! I’m sorry we didn’t get a chance to see you, we will try again this week. I will call you the day before. How are you doing? It’s so exciting to see you type on the blog!!

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