We are ALL together!

Monday, April 13th

Division 8 – You are amazing!  Thank you for the pictures of the rock monsters! I can’t imagine how fun it would be for someone to come across your rock monster during a walk! You are bringing smiles to others. Thank you!

I loved seeing all the hearts in the windows, you are spreading such joy in the world. Thank you! Next time you go for a walk, look for the hearts in the windows and know that you are not alone!

If you haven’t sent me your photos you can still send them and I will add it to our slideshow.  

When reading the story the ‘Rock Monsters’ what was your favourite rock monster and why? Leave me a comment below!

Hope you had a lovely long weekend!


Ms. Binng

9 thoughts on “We are ALL together!

  1. yellow rock is the best one for me it always is on the bright side of things and always have been happy or really really silly or it would just tell you how much fun it would be for you to call your friends and have fun

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