Welcome Back!

Dear Division 8,

Welcome back to our class blog! I’m so glad that I got a chance to speak to you and your parents last week. I heard some great stories and some great jokes!

I also understand that many of you miss your friends, playgrounds, extended families and school. It’s sometimes hard to be away from so many special people and activities right now but we still have so many things to be thankful for…

For example:

                         I’m thankful for board games especially Trouble.

                        I’m thankful for sunny days to go for a walk outside.

                         I’m thankful for syrup that make my pancakes taste just right!

                         I’m thankful for music so that I can practice my butterfly dance move!

                        I’m thankful for my students who have the best jokes to make me laugh.

I challenge YOU to come up with 3-5 ideas that you are thankful for and share it on our class blog!

How do you do this?

  1. Click the Log in link on the right (in blue).
  2. Log in using your blogfolio id and password.
  3. At the bottom of this post you will find an area where you can leave your comments and answers. Please make a comment in the grey box and let me know what you are most thankful for during this time. 
  4. Click ‘Post’ Comment when you are done.

Your comments will not automatically post.  An e-mail will be sent to me to be checked before it can be made public. Your comments will be public so take some time to T.H.I.N.K. before you write something, especially when you are commenting on your friends’ ideas!

I’ve attached a video for you to watch for some inspiration!  


Ms. Binng

53 thoughts on “Welcome Back!

  1. I’m thankful for having a sister to play with ALL DAY LONG!!!
    I’m thankful for having an iPad so I’m not bored☺️
    I’m thankful for having a teacher who is SOOO FUNNY
    I’m thankful for having shelter from this virus!!!
    I’m also thankful for having food to be healthy
    I’m thankful for having a family ‍‍‍
    And last but not least I’m thankful that we have doctors to help the people when there hurt

    1. Fariha you are such a thoughtful person with such heart behind your ideas! I am thankful for a lot of the same things that you’ve included on your list. I’m especially thankful for students like you who bring such love to the world!What are some things you play with your sister?

  2. Hi teacher,
    I am thankful for playing with my brother every day
    I am thankful for having my family working hard to live in Canada
    I am thankful for be being who I am!!!
    I am thankful for do not have the Coronavírus (COVID 19)
    I also thankful for having a time with my mom and dad.

    1. Hi John! So nice to hear from you…it’s been so long! Hope you’re feeling better! What a wonderful list you have created! What are some of the things you play with your brother?

      1. I am better now thanks for asking.
        I play tickle with him and I play football in my bedroom with him
        I like to spend my time with him I play fight for fun

  3. I’m thankful for having weekend so I don’t have to do homework !!!
    I’m thankful for having friends so I don’t be alone
    I’m thankful for God because he made us
    I’m thankful for video games because I could play fun games
    I’m thankful for having my parents to take care of me.

    1. Morning Brandon! So many wonderful things to be thankful for each day. I’m sure your parents and friends feel thankful to have you, I know I do! What are some of the video games you’ve been playing lately?

      1. I play Rocket League , Splatoon 2 , Pokemon sword , Minecraft and Roblox. I play Roblox with my friends it’s super fun.

  4. I am thankful for all the beautiful cloths I have
    I am thankful that I get to celebrate every holiday
    I am thankful to live in a house where I can be ME
    I am thankful that I still get to learn except its at home
    I am thankful that I still get learn the violin except its on Skype

  5. Morning Elynn! I’m thankful that you get to be YOU too! What’s your favourite holiday? My favourite holiday is family day! How are you finding learning from home?

  6. I am thankful for all the beautiful cloths I have
    I am thankful that I can celebrate all the holidays
    I am thankful that I still get to learn except its at home
    I am thankful that I get to live in a house where I can be ME
    I am thankful that I still get yummy fancy homemade dinners

  7. Im thankful for learning
    Im thankful for the yummy food my grandma gives me
    Im thankful for sleeping
    Im thankful for the beatutiful plants and flowers
    Im thankful for good luck charms
    Im thankful for life
    Im thankful for all the wonderful clothings i have
    Im thankful for the beatutiful house i live in

    1. Hi Quinn! Wow, so wonderful to see so many ideas around being thankful! My kids are so thankful for their grandmas too…especially their food! What are some of the yummy things your grandma makes for you? And you have to tell me about your good luck charms…what are your good luck charms?

  8. I’m am thankful for having a sister to play with when I’m bored.
    I’m am thankful for having a amazing teacher that is funny.
    I’m am thankful for having FOOD to keep me ALIVE!!!
    I’m thankful for my mom who cut my hair up to my shoulders.(This is the first time I cut my hair this short)
    I’m thankful for having BUBBLES to blow so I can see the life of a bubble <3
    I'm thankful for my card games and board games like clue and battle ship.

    1. Morning Elie! Hair up to your shoulders!!!! I can’t wait to see! You have so many beautiful ideas – I never even thought about the life of a bubble! Love it! I’m so thankful for the doctors and nurses who are working so hard for all of us. I’m also thankful for students like YOU who share such wonderful stories with me and make me laugh. I noticed that you are thankful for food…have you been helping with the cooking at home? What’s your favourite meal to eat and cook?

  9. I am thankful for LEGO because I can be happy with building
    I am thankful for my family to help me with my homework
    I am thankful for my friends that have my back so I am happy
    I am thankful for cats because they are so fluffy and cute

    1. Morning Dawson! I love all your ideas…your writing is so YOU! Tell me about your lego creations. What’s one creation that you built that makes you proud? Did you watch the video? The cat photo in the video reminded me of you…I thought you would appreciate it because I know how much you LOVE cats!

      1. Hi ms Binng I saw your Comments. I missed the cat picture but l’ll watch it again.
        My current LEGO project is going well. I got a couple of Bendy sets for my birthday

  10. Hello ms. Binng these are the thing that i’m thankful for.
    I’m thankful that i get to stay home to be safe from covid-19.
    I’m thankful that i get to stay home and learn how to make rice and help my mom sweeping the floor.
    I’m thankful that i got to ride my bike or scooter at Mud bay or Barnet park to have fresh sea breeze in the afternoon.
    I’m thankful that i got to take care of my fishes.
    Most of all I’m thankful that i get to stay with my parents specially my mom

    1. Morning Gabriel! Sounds like you are safe, happy and loved – so much to be thankful for at this time. I’m also thankful for being safe and healthy at home with my family. I love that you go out and breathe in that fresh air at Mud Bay park – it’s so important to keep our bodies moving! Tell me more about all the yummy food you are learning to cook at home! I made chocolate chip muffins last week, what’s your favourite food to cook at home?

      1. Good morning Ms. Binng! I learned how to make rice and help my mom mixed the vegetable dish that she made for dinner. And I made my own infuse water with frozen grapes. Ms. Binng can i try your cookie one day? 🙂 hehehe.. Be safe Ms. Binng.

        1. Wow!!! Infused water with frozen grapes…I’ve never done that before!! I will have to try it! Of course you can have a cookie – they are healthy and yummy! We should exchange recipes on our next blog post…what do you think?

  11. I’m thankful for having a sister to read to me every night before I sleep.
    I’m thankful for loving teacher to give us awesome things to do well we are at home.
    I’m thankful for my awesome mom that is trying to give me kits to do.
    I’m thankful for sleeping in [ till like 12:00 ]
    I’m thankful for eat yummy candy’s because my mom know we can’t go shopping every day.
    I’m thankful for my sister playing with me when there is nothing to do.
    I’m thankful for still having yummy food.

    1. Hi Kary!

      You are surrounded by so many wonderful people and things – so beautiful to read your ideas! I heard about the kits that your mom bought, I bet they’re keeping you busy! What has been your favourite kit to complete? I know how much you love arts & crafts. Also, you have to tell me about these yummy candies! What have been your favourite candies to eat during this time?

  12. 1.I am thankful for food so I can stay health
    2.I am thankful for my family so I can play with them
    3.I am thankful for my friends that are so funny
    4.I am thankful for my school so I can learn something new every day

    1. Hi Abigail! Yay I’m so happy to see you writing on here! You have such wonderful ideas. What are some of the games you’ve been playing with your family? My kids and I have been playing a lot of card games!

  13. Hi Ms Bing and everyone!
    I’m thankful helping my mom with cooking.
    I’m thankful playing games with my brother.
    I’m thankful sleeping a lot

    1. Hi Shahid! So nice to hear from you. You have so many wonderful things to be thankful for…especially your family! What are some things you play with your brother? What do you help your mom cook?

  14. I am thankful for my sister so I can play with her
    I am thankful for the food I get to eat
    I am thankful for the fashionista clothes I get to wear
    I am thankful that I get to play roblox
    I am thankful for my friends

    1. Hi Diya!

      What beautiful things to be thankful for during this time! Love your fashionista clothes! What are some things you are playing with your sister?

  15. I am thankful for my little sister so I can play costume game with her .
    I am thankful for my friend’s because they helped me and play with me.
    I am thankful to Ms.Binng because she teach us nicely.
    I am thankful for my dad because he buy’s everything for me.
    I am thankful for my mom.

    1. So nice to hear from you Aiden! You have so many wonderful things around you…I am thankful for students like you!

  16. I’m thankful for my iPad so I can play games.
    I’m thankful I have friends.
    I’m thankful for my sister so I can play with her during quarantine.
    I’m thankful for my brother for helping me with Fortnite.

    1. Yaaaaay!!! I’m so glad to hear from you Omar! How are you and your family? I miss you and your smile! I’m so thankful for YOU!

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