Hello Parents,
Students of Division 1 will be taking part in the SFU Connect Fest Escape Room activity at 1:00 on April 30. They will be in an escape room setting where they will have to use forensic clues from ancient civilizations to solve puzzles.
This will tie into their upcoming unit on ancient civilizations. We will be leaving the school at 12:40 and walking to the Museum of Archaeology and Ethnology to start our program at 1:00. Please make sure that any students who are going home for lunch that day are back at the school by 12:40.
For more information about the event, please see the following link: https://www.eventbrite.ca/e/sfu-exploration-day-burnaby-connect-fest-tickets-861048247487?aff=oddtdtcreator&_eboga=1898829959.1707342972&_ga=2.199732713.65866071.1712858819-1340315084.1712858819
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