Grades 2&3: Week Two Big Idea: Computational fluency develops from a strong sense of number. |
Curricular Content: developing fluency with addition and subtraction facts to 20 and application of these facts when adding and subtracting larger numbers |
Curricular Competencies: develop mental math strategies and abilities to make sense of quantities, communicate mathematical thinking in many ways, represent mathematical ideas in concrete, pictorial, and symbolic forms |
Core Competencies focus: Communication Teachers and Families: |
The following are five problems/tasks to choose from for this week, based on the above curricular areas of focus. |
Choose a number: 12, 20, 50, 100 What different ways can you make this number? Consider using words, symbols, tallies, dots, equations, etc as you think about composing the quantity (4 and 4 and 2 make 10) or using addition or subtraction. |
Choose a question: 9+6, 29+6, 49+16, 349+26 How does thinking about 10 help you think about ways to add these two numbers? Draw ten frames to think about ways to make tens. For example, 8+5 can be added by decomposing 5 into 2 and 3 so you can add the 2 to the 8 to make a 10. And then add the 3 to make 13. How will you show your thinking? |
Choose a question: 8+7, 9+8, 28+17, 259+18, 488+357 What different strategies can you use to add these numbers together? How can you show or record how you figured out the answer? Choose a question: 12-3, 16-7, 22-3, 91-13, 471-83 What different strategies can you use to subtract or find the difference between these numbers? How can you show or record how you figured out the answer? Numeracy Task: When might you need to add two numbers or amounts together when you are doing things at home? Draw or write a story about this. |
Using as many of these words as you can, create a poem: Spring, buds, mud, tulips, eggs, green, mild, puddles. |
Design a new package for their favourite toy or food – include pictures and words. |
Write instructions that can be used to tell someone how to do something like brush their teeth, directions to school from home, or a sports skill. |
Story starter to finish. Could make it so one child starts and then another child adds to it and so on. Each person should write at least (5) sentences. When the last person adds to the story. The story is read out loud, each person reading the part they wrote. |
Make a list of 10 things that make you happy. Choose 3 to explain why they make you happy. |
Create a news story that answers all these questions: who, what, where, when, why and how. |
Read a poem and illustrate a picture that describes what the poem is about. |