A belated welcome to the division 1 blog site. I am so excited to be your child’s teacher this year! Joining our classroom community is Mrs. Nordin, an Educational Assistant. This blog will give you some general information about our class routines for the coming year. I am looking forward to getting to know your child better and to having a great year with them… and you!
I wanted to inform you that we will no longer be using traditional planners in class. Last year I found that many students were not using them consistently, and I believe we can try a more effective approach. Instead, students are encouraged to use their phones to take pictures of the homework that will be displayed on the board and also listed on the class blog site to help them keep track of their assignments and important dates. For those who prefer, I can also provide small notebooks for jotting down notes and reminders. Thank you for your understanding and support as we explore this new system to better meet the needs of the students.
Physical Education, Healthy Living & Well-Being
Students will receive physical activity twice days per week on Monday and Wednesdays; sometimes this will take place in the gym, outside or in the classroom. Please ensure that your child wears comfortable clothing and appropriate running shoes on these days or has a pair of running shoes to change into. Students do not change for Gym. Also, please provide a labeled water bottle (one that cannot spill easily) so that they can leave it at their desks. It is important to hydrate the body and it helps the brain with learning. Similarly, it is just as important to pack a healthy lunch and snack; please avoid sending food or drinks with little nutritional value like pop and candy. Let’s try to bring a no litter lunch too by using reusable containers!
Arriving on Time
It is important that students arrive on time to school. Students should be lined up at the community room doors by 8:50 and instruction begins at 8:55. It is a valuable lesson to learn early in life and it starts your child’s day off on a positive note. If your child is going to be late or away, please contact the school at 604-296-9036
From Monday to Friday, students will have the opportunity to visit the library to check out new books. They are to keep the books for at least two days before returning it for a new one. Encourage your child to re-read the books to improve accuracy, practice fluency and deepen thinking about the same book. Please ensure your child takes good care of these books and remembers to return them on time so that they can make a new selection.
Please email, call or drop by if you have any questions or concerns. I look forward to working with you this year as partners in your child’s education.