Earth Rangers Assembly

We were excited to have the Earth Rangers present at our school. It was an inspiring, interactive presentation featuring live animals, games and trivia, and two enthusiastic Earth Ranger educators who not only teach kids about the environmental issues our planet is facing, but empower them to take action.

We met two live animals:

Nacho: A Curl-crested Aracari bird who is part of the Toucan family!

Blue: A Savannah Monitor lizard who is part of the Komodo Dragon family!

*Click on the icon below to find out more about Earth Rangers mission:

Earth Rangers are behind our school’s current Battery Blitz!

Did you know that properly recycling your batteries can help protect wildlife?

Batteries contain toxic materials that can harm the environment if they end up in landfill. That’s why it’s important to properly recycle your batteries! When you collect batteries at your school, you’re keeping them out of landfills and protecting wildlife. You’re also helping to recover valuable materials that can be re-used to make new products, like new batteries, golf clubs, and the stainless steel pots and pans! The possibilities are endless.


Division 12 has added MINI HATS to their ADST skill set (ability to design, make, and apply newly learned skills to produce a final product)

Students created their mini hats using only yarn and toilet paper rolls!

They learned to cut pieces of yarn to the same length and repeat a tie-and-knot process to create several knots that cover the paper roll. They then pulled the gathered yarn through to create the ‘rim’ of the hat. And finally tied the pieces together and gave it a haircut to create a pom-pom at the top.

Students showed an impressive growth mindset with this task- it was very challenging at first to loop and tie knots, but they ALL persevered. I am so proud of them!

They are now excited to teach others and to also create hats for all their classroom stuffy friends 🙂

Matter… matters!

In Science, we have been learning about MATTER – the definition of matter, the three states of matter (solid, liquid, or gas), and how matter changes states.

Matter is ANYTHING that has weight and takes up space.

BIG IDEA: All things are made of matter and matter is made of particles (molecules).

Div. 12 acted out what particles look like in each state. Can you guess which states they are in?

Review what we have learned in class at home by watching the videos again together! *click on the images below to watch the videos:

More about PARTICLES next week… and a fun and yummy experiment!

Master Artist spotlight series: Henri Matisse

Henri Matisse: THE CUT OUTS

During the last decade of his life Henri Matisse deployed two simple materials—white paper and gouache—to create works of wide-ranging color and complexity. An unorthodox implement, a pair of scissors, was the tool Matisse used to transform paint and paper into a world of plants, animals, figures, and shapes.

Div. 12 learned a little bit about his life and created their own masterpieces in the style of Matisse’s cut outs.  You will find these displayed in the hallway outside of our classroom!


Big Buddies are the best!

We were so excited to meet our Big Buddies today from Mr. Jung’s Gr. 6/7 class!

We asked a few questions to get to know one another and then chose an explorations activity to do together.

We cannot wait to see them next week for a collaborative activity!

Terry Fox Run

The rain disappeared in time and it was the perfect temperature for the run! All classes did a quick warm-up in their classrooms and then headed outside to their starting points.

It was fantastic to see the whole school community participating in this annual school-wide event. Thank you to those parents who volunteered to help supervise the route and cheered us on around every corner. We got our hearts pumping, and our cerebellums allowed us to move with ease… and speed!

Our school also surpassed our goal; thank you to those who donated to support our Terry Fox fundraising campaign. We learned a lot about Terry and how brave he was. We also discussed how all donations go toward developing new and improved treatments for those living with cancer.


Scientist Shirley from SCWIST came in for a visit today!

She talked about the three states of matter and the different types of chemical and physical changes that can occur in many items we are familiar with.

We were excited to engage in a messy, hands-on activity that tested the question:

“Can something be both a solid and a liquid at the same time?” YES!

We learned of Non-Newtonian fluids … and we made one today! (This fluid can behave like both a liquid and a solid depending on how much pressure is applied).

Check out Div 12 scientists in action:


Flashlight Fridays

If you entered our classroom on Friday afternoon, you would have been delighted to see the glow of cozy forts and conversations between students fully engaged in reading.

Reading by flashlight with a buddy is something we are now looking forward to every Friday…

Soccer fun!

Division 12 has been having a lot of fun learning soccer fundamentals and challenging drills with Coach Chris and Coach Matt from PASS Soccer!

We are learning to juggle the ball with our feet, test our reaction time, and develop our ball control skills. We have two more sessions remaining and we can’t wait!

Check out the fun below!