The Grand Opening of the Div. 12 Corner Store! 🎉

We had our official Grand Opening of our corner store with Mrs. Kimmie present to mark the occasion!

Here is Mrs. Kimmie making it official: (click on the photo below)

We were incredibly proud of our class today.

Our students (shop employees and customers) each contributed patience, calmness, kindness, and respect to make our Grand Opening day a success. They shared their favourite moments and what exactly made this special experience memorable for each of them.

Thank you to all the families who donated items for our store. Today was filled with happy customers and excited cashiers, shop clerks, bankers, and security guards. We can’t wait for the next shopping day!

Take a peek to experience the fun of today’s opening: (click on the photo below)

*Our shop employees working together to make today (and the days leading up) a huge success! Thank you for your dedication and time!


Primary Days of Music 🗣 🎵

We were the hosts for this year’s Primary Days of Music. Parkcrest, Rosser, Capitol Hill, and Confederation Park were our guests.

We sang our hearts out (a peek here) and particularly loved singing the song ‘Defying Gravity’ from the movie, Wicked!

It was wonderful to see and hear other schools perform their favourite songs; and it was a joyous time to sing a few songs we had all learned… together.

Young Actor’s Project 🎭

We had a blast learning new skills and moving beyond our comfort zones throughout our three drama sessions with Abby, our Young Actor’s Project instructor.

We warmed up with games, used our voices and bodies, and worked together in small groups to attempt new challenges. We also showed good listening skills, audience manners, and on-the-spot thinking!

We learned many things that acting requires, including how to improv and how to show something with our bodies without speaking. Some things that actors do:

“Use imagination.” -Max

“Pretending.” -Nanami

“Use emotions.” -Abeer

“Being brave to perform on stage.” -Chester

“Using items as other things.” -Elnaz