A whirlwind last week, but lots of fun and good spirits!
We wish you all a wonderful and restful winter break… and a very happy and bright 2025!
See you in January!
Mrs. Walji & Mr. Cholakian
Mrs. Walji's Gr. 2/3 class | 2024-2025
A whirlwind last week, but lots of fun and good spirits!
We wish you all a wonderful and restful winter break… and a very happy and bright 2025!
See you in January!
Mrs. Walji & Mr. Cholakian
Div. 12 was excited to perform “I Need a Winter Vacation!” for you (for two shows!)
Bravo to the volunteers with speaking parts- you were able to memorize many lines and deliver them with enthusiasm!
Thank you families for coming out to enjoy the concert. We are all grateful to Ms. Seah, our music teacher, for helping our class prepare and perform!
Vincent Van Gogh: A Starry Night – with a personalized winter touch.
Vincent Van Gogh was a Dutch painter and one of the greatest Post-impressionists. He was known for his striking colours, layered brushstrokes, and shapely forms. He loved painting the night skies. He had a rough life that was filled with sadness and failures. He struggled with mental health problems, including feelings of anger and sadness, and was not able to control his emotions. His paintings that no one wanted to buy are now worth millions of dollars, some of the most expensive paintings in the world. One of his most famous works was A Starry Night.
Div. 12 learned a little bit about his life and created their own masterpieces in the style of Van Gogh’s starry night skies- swirls, stars, movement, and colours. You will find these beautifully displayed in the hallway outside of our classroom!
Thank you to the families who were able to join us on Friday morning for our first Sip & See event. Your children were so excited to have you as guests; we hope you enjoyed your time with them.
It was delightful to have you join us in our morning circle and to see Division 12’s morning routines, with a focus on some of their literacy activities. It was great to see parents and children working on the Brain Bender questions together. Our next Sip and See will have a Numeracy focus. Be prepared to test your mathematical skills We hope to see you at our second event!