In the mornings, we engage in Community Circle by sitting in a circle on our carpet and taking turns talking about how we are feeling. The purpose of this activity is to use our oral skills to share how we are feeling and also to learn how to listen to others. In our class, we use the Zones of Regulation to indicate how we are feeling.

Zones of Regulaton:

program designed to help people of all ages identify, monitor, and regulate their emotions and states of alertness.” We feel all kind of emotions during the day and we have been learning about how to regulate our emotions through different tools (walk, deep breathing etc) so we are in the “green zone” and ready to learn!

Big Ideas (Career Education):

  • Effective collaboration relies on clear, respectful communication.
  • Strong communities are the result of being connected to family and community and working together toward common goals.

First Peoples Principles of Learning: 

  • Learning ultimately supports the well-being of the self, the family, the community, the land, the spirits, and the ancestors.
  • Learning recognizes the role of Indigenous knowledge.
  • Learning is embedded in memory, history, and story.
  • Learning involves patience and time.
  • Learning is holistic, reflexive, reflective, experiential, and relational (focused on connectedness, on reciprocal relationships, and a sense of place).

Curricular Competencies:

  • Identify and appreciate their personal attributes, skills, interests, and accomplishments
  • Recognize the importance of positive relationships in their lives
  • Share ideas, information, personal feelings, and knowledge with others
  • Work respectfully and constructively with others to achieve common goals


  • Risk-taking – Speak in front of others
  • Cultural and social awareness – achieved by exploring self-identity, acknowledging cultural differences, honouring indigenous tradition

Core Competencies – Communication:

  • In a safe and supported environment, I respond meaningfully to communication from peers and adults.
  • I communicate confidently, using forms and strategies that show attention to my audience and purpose.

Core Competencies – Personal and Social:

  • I am aware of different aspects of myself. I can identity people, places, and things that are important to me.
  • In familiar settings, I can interact with others and my surroundings respectfully.