This week we joined an online workshop through Joyful Learning where we listened to David Robertson read aloud his book  “When We Were Alone”, He shared why he wrote the book and his connection to Residential Schools. Here is a video of him reading (Not the one we were part of)

After the workshop, we  had a rich discussion about the book and what the meaning of the story was. Students asked great questions and we brainstormed how we should feel at school. We also talked about how children would have felt when this happened. 

Students completed a worksheet where they drew a picture from the book that stood out for them. They also answered 2 questions;

-What was something you learned?

-Is there something you wonder?

Once this was completed, students coloured a hand that was created by artist, Michelle Stoney (

During library time, Ms. Papapanagiotou read a book called “We all Matter”. Here is a link (Best I could find on video)


Here is what our bulletin board looks like:

Curricular Competencies:

Social Studies:

  • Recognize the causes and consequences of events, decisions, or developments
  • Make value judgments about events, decisions, or actions and suggest lessons that can be learned

Language Arts:

  • Exchange ideas and perspectives to build shared understanding
  • Plan and create a variety of communication forms answering questions

First Peoples Principles of Learning:

  • Learning ultimately supports the well-being of the self, the family, the community, the land, the spirits, and the ancestors
  • Learning is holistic, reflexive, reflective, experiential, and relational