Module Two Post Three (2 point perspective)

In this website I found, I am going to mostly talk about how two point perspective fits in with math. To state the obvious, this type of perspective is used a lot in geometry. As each shape is drawn, it will be either perpendicular, or parallel to each other. every line that is drawn will make its way to one of the vanishing points, creating angles as it goes.

You can think of the process of drawing two point perspective like a formula for math. It has multiple steps that has to go in a certain order to make the answer (drawing) correct.

Two Point perspective Drawing: How To Guide - Step 17

These are the two drawings that are made in the website I have explained. As you can see, you can see there are multiple 3D prisms that are used to create the scenes.

2 Point Perspective Drawing: Step by Step Guide for Beginners

Module One Post Ten (vanishing points)

Perspective drawings all have vanishing points. The more you have the more difficult the drawing gets. The term orthogonal lines are a mathematical term. in this case they are the lines that get farther away from us, and later meet. Now lets talk about the number of vanishing points. If you only have one, lines (orthogonal) will go to one point on the page. However, if you have more than one, that means there will be lines going everywhere. since the lines would go in all directions, it would be harder to draw.

Image result for three point perspective

Here is an example of three point perspective.